Fake (Madison Kate #3) - Tate James Page 0,123

then the fight was back on for round two.

Before I could return to my seat with Steele, Kody snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me in front of him, my back to his front as we stood right beside the cage.

"Stay here with me, babe," he murmured in my ear. "I feel like I've barely seen you this week."

I smiled at his words. "You've been busy training Archer's stubborn ass. Besides, shouldn't you be yelling encouragement and shit at him right now? Getting him fired up?"

Kody swept my hair over one shoulder and dropped his lips to the bare side. "What do you think I'm doing right now?" His arm around my waist drifted lower, finding my bare thigh, then creeping up underneath the long hoodie I wore.

"Kodiak Jones, we're in full view right now," I scolded him, but made no move to swat his hand away.

He chuckled against my neck, kissing the sensitive spot behind my ear. "Nah, we're not, this area is badly lit. The only people who can clearly see are in the cage right now, and they should be otherwise occupied." His hand slipped higher, finding my already aching core. The fabric of my hoodie was long enough to hide the graphic details, but if anyone was looking, it'd be pretty obvious where his hand was.

"MK, babe," he groaned, his fingers stroking over my bare flesh, "Steele's becoming a bad influence on you."

"Or a great one," I replied with a hitch in my voice as he slipped a finger into my cunt. "Matter of perspective, right?"

Inside the cage, Archer took a solid right hook to the face, knocking him back a couple of steps before he found his balance again.

Kody snickered an evil sound. "That'll teach him to pay attention to the fight." A second finger joined the first, and I couldn't stop myself from grinding into his hand.

"We're going to be seen." I murmured my weak protest even as my pussy clenched around his fingers and my clit throbbed.

"That was the idea," he replied, "I might have made my own bet with Steele for a round two submission. Arch just needed a little push to end the fight as fast as possible."

An outraged noise squeaked out of me, and I shoved away from his grip with monumental effort. "Playing dirty, Kodiak Jones?"

He just grinned, raising his fingers to his mouth and sucking them. "Always, babe."

Oh, come on!

My pussy clenched hard, my eyes locked on his fingers in his mouth and my nipples hard as goddamn rocks. I wasn't strong enough for this kind of sexual warfare. What the shit had I been thinking, getting involved with all three of these pricks?

"I figure Archer has this handled without his trainer yelling from the sidelines," Kody continued, reaching out a hand to me once more and reeling me in like a fish on his hook. When I didn't resist, he cupped the back of my head, bringing my lips to his for a passionate kiss that instantly made me regret my choice to forgo underwear. My thighs were slick by the time he released me, and it took a second to realize the crowd was going nuts.

With a gasp, I spun around to find Archer pinning Alexi in a rear naked choke, his eyes hard on Kody and me.

My shock quickly shifted to annoyance, and my glare hardened at him as I held three fingers up. I wasn't losing fifty bucks over Kody's dirty tricks. Hell no.

Archer knew exactly what I meant, too. He glared back at me, then a second before Alexi probably would have tapped out, Archer loosened his grip and surged back to his feet in a defensive pose.

"Dammit," Kody hissed in my ear, his arms wrapping around my waist once more. "So close."

"Fucker," I grumbled, but still leaned back into his solid body.

He gave a soft laugh. "So does that mean you won't meet me in the bathroom for a quick fuck while Arch does his victory shit?"

I bit my lip, trying to fight the love-sick grin that constantly wanted to sit on my face. "Shouldn't you do that stuff with him? You are his trainer."

"Nah," he replied, "it's a charity fight. No one cares about the trainers."

I gave a one-shoulder shrug. "Well then..." I paused for dramatic effect, making him sweat it out as Archer delivered a vicious elbow to Alexi's face. "I guess if we're quick..."

That was all Kody needed to hear. The bell chimed for the end of

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