Fake (Madison Kate #3) - Tate James Page 0,125


Kody just gave a cocky grin back, flipping Steele off as he leapt up into the cage to take his place by his fighter's side. Archer's eyes blazed at me, then he delivered a subtle, but vicious, elbow to Kody's stomach.

Their infighting should have worried me. It should have stressed me out that at some point they'd either make me choose or they'd kill each other. But it didn't.

I loved the violence, and I was done pretending otherwise.


Our accommodations for the night were booked in the same hotel where the fight had been held, so there was no real discussion around whether to stay for the party or not.


Archer didn't even bother showering or changing in the rooms they'd set up for him and Alexi to use. He just removed his gloves, threw his hoodie and shoes on, then all but carried me to the central elevators.

Kody and Steele followed, both joking and laughing, riding the high of Archer's win. I couldn't focus on anything for long, though. I was too keyed up with anticipation, waiting to see what he wanted to do with that win. With me.

“Hey, guys,” Jase called out as we stepped into the elevators, darting forward and stopping the doors from closing with his hand. “We partying upstairs, or…” He trailed off, and it became awkward as fuck when no one immediately responded.

Archer cleared his throat, his arm tight around me. “Sorry man. Private celebration tonight.”

Jase’s smile slipped, and his face flashed with anger. “But I’m your manager.” The glare he shot me said the rest. I’m your manager, but she is invited over me?

“Yep,” Archer responded, clearly not giving a fuck. “Enjoy the party.” He reached out and peeled Jase’s fingers from the elevator door. Their manager stood in stunned disbelief long enough for the doors to slide closed, and I let out a small sigh of relief. Jase creeped me out. Big time.

Steele had taken care of the booking, so when we reached our floor, he directed us all the way to the presidential suite and opened the doors with a magnetic key card.

"Nice," Kody commented, striding in and picking up a bottle of champagne from an ice bucket set up on the dining table. "Looks like we're celebrating tonight, huh?"

"Screw you," Archer growled, snatching the bottle from his hand and sinking down onto one of the white leather couches. His hand was still clasping mine, and he gave me a tug, pulling me into his lap as he popped the cork one-handed. Seriously, that was an impressive skill.

Kody wasn't deterred, grabbing a second bottle and taking the sofa opposite us while Steele made his way over to the floor-to-ceiling windows, which were covered by a thin blind.

"Don't be a hater, Arch. We all knew you'd steal MK away if you won; I was just being resourceful." Kody grinned, smug as fuck, and I needed to bite my lip to stop from grinning back.

Archer's arm around my waist tightened, and he took a sip of champagne straight from the bottle.

"True," he conceded. "But later. First..." He trailed off, pressing his cool, wet lips to the back of my neck and making me shiver. "We have something to show you, Princess."

My brows shot up, and I took the bottle of champagne from Archer's fingers when he offered it to me. "You do?"

Kody nodded his agreement, opening his bottle and pouring glasses for all of us. I still sipped from Archer's bottle anyway, though.

Steele pressed a little button on the side of the windows, and the blind slowly rose up to reveal an impressive view of the city below.

"This would have been more dramatic if the blinds weren't so slow," Steele commented, tapping his foot impatiently.

I glanced between Archer and Kody, seeking some kind of hint, but neither of them were giving anything away. They were both focused on me, not on the window, though.

"Finally," Steele muttered as the blind rose past the halfway mark.

He stepped aside, and I instantly spotted what they wanted to show me. My jaw dropped, and I rose out of Archer's lap in stunned disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?" I halfway shrieked. "That's..."

"So freaking sexy," Kody finished for me when my voice dried up into nothing.

I crossed over to the window, staring out at the electronic billboard on the building directly across the intersection. It was me. Giant me. In nothing but a skimpy black corset, thong, and heels, leaning on a bar and looking every inch the sex kitten. Beside me

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