Fake (Madison Kate #3) - Tate James Page 0,116

around him, testing how it felt to stroke his length with all that metal.

He groaned.

"I've had worse pain before," he confessed. "Besides, I knew this would be worth it, if you ever forgave me." His gaze was pure evil, but he made no moves to stop my inspection. He just stayed there, leaning back on his hands with his dick in my hands.

There were worse places to be, I supposed.

"So, is it..." Words escaped me as I tried to ask the question on my mind. "How long do you..."

He smiled, understanding. "Hellcat, if you're asking whether I can fuck you right now, the answer is yes. It only needed four to six weeks to heal."

I licked my lips, pleased as all shit, and he let out a pained sound.

"Beautiful, you're killing me. Can you finish looking later and let me fuck you now? It feels like it's been forever..." The pouty face he gave me would have put a spaniel puppy to shame.

"No way," I laughed. "Suck it up, Max Steele. I intend to get well acquainted with this... what's this called, anyway?"

"Jacob's ladder," he informed me, and I nodded. Seemed appropriate; the bars climbed his erect dick like the rungs of a ladder.

"Right. So just be patient. If the boys come home, they can go kick the shit out of each other in the gym and leave us be." I dragged my tongue around the silken head of his cock, tasting the saltiness of his pre-cum as he sucked in a harsh breath.

He let out another small groan as I dragged my tongue down the underside of his shaft, inspecting each and every one of those ladder rungs. "More likely they'll want to join in. But I don't want to share you tonight, Hellcat. I want you all to myself."

I reached the bottom piercing, then returned to his tip, wrapping my hand around his base instead. "Fine by me. I missed you like crazy, Max." I closed my lips over his tip, sucking briefly then letting go. "So, here's the deal. If they come home and happen to find us in here, then they can either watch or leave but no touching until you say so."

I took him into my mouth again, sucking deeper and stroking gently with my hand, and his hips bucked up to meet my touch.

"Deal," he agreed on a groan. "But you have no idea how badly I want to sink my cock into you right now, beautiful girl."

Based on the way his hand had just clasped the back of my head, coaxing me to take him deeper as his hips bucked up, I'd say I had a pretty good idea.

I was gentle with his new hardware at first, not wanting to hurt him, but it quickly became clear that I wasn't hurting him at all. Or if I was, he was into it.

Pushing up on my toes out of the water, I braced my free hand on his hip, holding him still as I sucked him off. My tongue explored every curve of his piercings, marveling at the contrast between hard metal and soft flesh, until his breathing grew ragged and his fingers clutched at my shoulder.

"Hellcat, baby, please. If you keep going, I'm going to come down your throat, and I really, really want to come inside your incredible cunt."

Well, with a request like that, how was a girl to refuse?

I gave his cock one last stroke, then released him and retreated back into the warm water of the pool with an invitation painted all over my face.

Steele was no idiot; he slid back into the water like a merman chasing tail and closed the gap between us in just a few quick strides. An involuntary peel of laughter escaped me as he pounced.

My feet slipped from under me on the pool tiles, and for a moment we both went under—again—but this time I latched my legs around his waist. When we popped back up, he gave me barely a second to draw a breath before his lips were on mine, his mouth dominating and possessive as he kissed me like a starving man.

I moaned into his kiss, pressing my body closer as he walked us across the pool. By the time my back touched tiles, his cock was lined up and I was damn near begging for it.

"Yes," I breathed as he released my lips and shifted my legs higher around his waist. It gave him the perfect angle, and words failed

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