Fake (Madison Kate #3) - Tate James Page 0,117

me again as he started pushing inside, piercings and all.

Fuck me dead. Whoever had suggested the Jacob's Ladder needed a goddamn medal or something. Maybe a statue erected in his honor. Because fucking Steele with eight bar piercings studding his cock was like nothing I'd ever felt. In a really good way.

"Is that okay?" Steele asked me hesitantly as he fully seated his cock inside me. I made a pathetic little mewing sound—the kind of sound I'd probably mock a book heroine for, but clearly it was an acceptable reaction to fucking a guy with a heavily pierced cock. I'd remember that in the future.

I nodded frantically, not totally sure what noises would come out if I tried to speak. Instead, I conveyed my meaning of fuck yes, it's more than okay by biting his neck and bucking my hips to get him moving.

Steele chuckled one of those totally masculine laughs that I'd only ever heard mid-sex. The kind of laugh that said he knew exactly what kind of power he was holding over my orgasm, and he loved it.

"Well then," he murmured, bringing one of his hands up to clasp my face and bringing my lips back to his. "I love you, Hellcat." He said it in a husky whisper, then saved me the need to reply as he withdrew all the way to his tip and slammed back in a whole lot faster than the last time. Then he proceeded to set a pace that made my toes curl, my throat go hoarse, and my fingernails claw raw lines out of his back. His piercings acted like a ribbed condom on crack... then supersized. It was insane, and I was one hundred percent a fan.

Like, really a big fan. So much that I wasn't even remotely prepared when my orgasm hit. I came hard, clinging to Steele like a lifeline as my cunt tightened and pulsed around him, then my hips rolled, begging for more.

"Fuck, Hellcat," Steele groaned, kissing me long and hard and letting his tongue stud echo what his dick was doing inside me. "I can't... it's been so freaking long and—"

"Do it," I ordered him, my breathing ragged and my voice rough from screaming. "Come in me, Max. Then take me back to your room and show me what those piercings are like from all the other positions."

He groaned hard at that suggestion. His pace increased until a second later his cock slammed deep into me, his hot cum filling me as his tongue found mine once more.

For a long moment we just stayed like that, kissing each other like we had all the time in the world. The warm water of the pool mixed with my post-orgasm haze was all kinds of relaxing.

"Come on," he murmured after a while. "We should get upstairs before we’re seen. I have so very many ways I want to fuck you tonight, Hellcat."

I gave a short laugh, pressing my forehead against his with my arms still around his neck. "Making up for lost time, Max Steele? Or marking your territory?"

His lopsided grin was unapologetic. "Both."

I shrugged. "Fine by me."

We waded over to the steps to get out, and I made my way over to the lounge chair where I'd dropped my towel and robe. Steele had other plans, though. Instead drying off and putting my robe back on, I found myself flat on my back with his mouth between my legs as he showed me all the benefits of his tongue piercing as well.

Breathy strings of curses fell from my lips as he sucked and licked at my already swollen clit, teasing me to the edge of another orgasm. My hands clutched at his head, my nails digging into his scalp as I pulled him tighter against my cunt, desperate for more.

He delivered on my silent plea, slipping his fingers into my aching pussy, filling me and fucking me as his tongue stud worked over my clit.

My head fell back on the lounge chair as my orgasm raced up, my breath gasping and my hips bucking. From the corner of my eye I caught the door to the pool room open, but paid it no mind. Staff were usually gone by this time, and if it was one of the other guys... too bad.

"Steele," I moaned, "I'm so close."

Like that was what he was waiting to hear, he did this... thing with his tongue piercing that bordered on pain but sent me hurtling into an instant, mind-blowing, earth-shattering

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