Fake (Madison Kate #3) - Tate James Page 0,115

change the subject, tilting my body to press into his hands more. "Oh yeah? What should I wear instead, then?"

His lips were back on my neck, and a second later I felt the unmistakable tug of my bikini top being untied. With his teeth. Now, if that wasn't a talent...

"Nothing," he replied, tossing my top out of the pool with a splat, then quickly loosening the bottoms to join it. I wasn't exactly complaining. That was exactly what I'd had in mind when he’d suggested swimming in the first place.

My breath hissed between my teeth as his hands drifted all over my naked body, teasing me with light caresses under the warm water while his lips and teeth paid homage to my neck in the most delicious way.

"Max..." I groaned his name as his fingertips stroked at my inner thigh but didn't go where I really badly wanted them to go. "We're on the clock, remember?"

He made a frustrated sound, nipping at my neck but moving his hand to where I wanted it. His long, pianist fingers explored my slick pussy with a confidence that left me moaning in his grip. My head rested on his shoulder as I made a grand total of zero effort to keep us afloat.

Spoiler alert, that's a surefire way to drown your lover.

Both of us went under, popped back up coughing and spluttering a second later, then silently agreed to move farther down the pool to where we could reach the bottom.

"So, you're doing a very good job of distracting me, Max Steele, but I haven't forgotten you need to show me something." With my toes back on the smooth tile of the pool bottom, I felt confident snaking my arms around his neck once more. My nipples were hard despite the warmth of the water, and Steele banded his arm around my waist, pulling me tight against his chest.

He grinned, pecking little kisses against my lips. "I'm not distracting you, Hellcat."

"Mm-hmm," I replied, kissing him properly and toying with that tongue stud. Fuck, I loved that thing. Or rather, I loved what he did with it. There was a lot to be said for boys with piercings, that was for sure.

I gasped, a thought popping into my head. He needed to show me something?

"You know, you're a bit overdressed for this party," I murmured, dropping my hands down to the waistband of his swim shorts.

He smiled against my kisses. "Oh, you think so?"

"Yup," I replied, kissing along the line of his jaw and down his neck. These boys had too much fun marking me up with their kisses and bites. I needed to even the score somewhat.

Meanwhile, I peeled his shorts open and pushed them down his legs. I had a sneaking suspicion that—

"Max!" I exclaimed when my hand wrapped around his hard cock. Or, I should say, wrapped around his hard, pierced cock.

He grinned wide. "I told you I had something to show you, Hellcat."

I gaped at him, my mouth open and my eyes locked on his while my hand explored what he'd had done. "Nope, this won't work," I muttered, and his smile slipped. "I need a better look. Hop up on the edge." I nodded to the side of the pool, and his smile returned.

"Hellcat, I'm not a piece of meat for you to ogle," he chastised me in a mocking voice but hoisted himself up on the edge as directed, nonetheless.

Now that we were in the shallow end, I could easily stand in front of him with his newly pierced dick right in front of my face. Ho-ly shit. It was a work of art. Steele leaned back on his hands, his erection standing up proudly as I studied it from just a few inches away.

"When did you do this?" I asked, running my fingertip slowly over the series of barbell piercings running the length of his cock, from above his balls to just under his tip. Eight. There were eight of them, each with a small silver ball on each end of the bar.

His cock moved under my touch, but it only made me more intrigued. It had to have hurt so much.

"The day after you left," he replied, his voice quiet. "I'd had the appointment booked for ages, but for something smaller and less painful. Then, well, everything happened. I wanted to punish myself, I guess."

My brows shot up. "So you got your dick pierced eight times? Steele, this must have been excruciating." I wrapped my hand

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