The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,127

hovers in front of me. “You left those emeralds. What was I supposed to do with that?”

“It was a gift.”

“A gift? When I’ve done nothing to earn it?” She sounds insulted.

Damn it. Whitley was right. “I thought it was a nice gesture.”

“We don’t need your charity.”

Ungrateful little thing. “Well, then, I take it you came all this way to return the gems?”

Her expression turns sheepish. “No. I plan on keeping them. That’s why I’m here.”

Well, this could work out in my favor.

Whitley and I aren’t out of the woods yet—no pun intended. However long my Glow-induced powers last—that’s how much time I have to hunt down the coven.

While I’m doing that, Luna can do something I can’t.

“All right, I have a mission for you,” I tell her. “I’d like to know how far my power is reaching. Fly until you find someone who’s awake. Go to the Day Realm if you have to.”

“What if everyone’s asleep?”

Is that possible? Could my vibes be going beyond this realm? I suppose so. The amount of Glow flowing through my body is more than anyone would usually ingest, so I’m not going to make assumptions.

“If you can’t find anyone awake, stay and wait,” I instruct. “Don’t come back until they regain consciousness. I want to know how long this surge lasts.”

Without another word, Luna speeds away. She’ll get to the Day Realm within an hour. In the meantime, I’ve got some witches to kill.


Fretting, I pace my shop for the hundredth time. I suspected Damon’s power would be amplified after the Glow kicked in, so I’m not completely surprised I ended up here. But, unfortunately, being asleep prevents me from being with him. From knowing if he’s okay.

Then again, his powers are working, so that’s a great sign. If the iron poisoning were bad enough, he wouldn’t have been able to knock me out. As long as I’m stuck here, I’m confident Damon is still alive.

Glancing at the front door, I mentally will him to show up. Not dream Damon. Real Damon.

A substitute won’t do this time.

As I circle the rack of dresses, I contemplate changing. I’m still wearing the dress from tonight. Damon’s dark blood is smeared on the green fabric. In the event that he’s not cured, this blood might be all I have left of him soon.

What a morbid thought. I’m one step away from wearing his bodily fluids in a vial around my neck.

Shaking my head, I go to the fortune teller table. As I gaze into the crystal ball, I implore our tether. It’s just as strong as it’s ever been, linking us as though we’re one.

Damon’s soul feels… happy?

The bell over the front door rings. My heart skips a beat. Slowly, I slide a glance to my left.

Damon grins at me, in all his shirtless glory. There’s nothing marring his skin. No blood or injuries. He looks good. Too good.

My hope deflates. Wishful thinking has me all messed up.

Since I have no interest in illusions, I turn my back, hoping this fake image will go away. After a few seconds pass, I feel hands on my shoulders. And because I’m weak, I take comfort in it. I soak up the warmth of his palms and the way his thumbs caress the nape of my neck.

“I’d give anything to have you here,” I say quietly.

“I am here.”

I sigh. “No.”

“Yes. Whitley, look at me.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I give him a peek. “Is it really you?”

“It is.”

“Prove it.”

Clasping my hands, he pulls me up. “Hard ball.”


“I knew the saying was hard ball. It’s a baseball term. I just wanted to lighten the moment.”

He bends to give me a searing kiss. It’s rough and greedy. The kind I couldn’t possibly make up in my head.

When we part, he whispers, “Believe me now?”

“Mmhmm.” Dazed, I nod. Then I rub his chest where the wound was. My fingers massage a line of thickened skin, but I can’t see a scar. “So the Glow worked? You’re all better?”

“Better than my best. This stuff is no joke.” Toying with my fingers, he fills me in on the sleeping people, Luna’s visit, and how he’s never felt this alive. “I can’t stay, though. The witches are out there somewhere. I have to find them and put an end to this before they wake up.”

“And how do you expect to track them? I saw a few use portals. They could be anywhere.”

Frustrated, he blows out a breath. “I don’t know, but I have to Copyright 2016 - 2024