The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,128


“You need to shock me.”


“Electricity.” Backing up, I shake out my hands as I ready myself for the jolt. “It’ll help me see the answer. We don’t have lightning, so you’re going to have to say the word.”

His head falls back. “This again?”

“Don’t be like that. It’s a thing with me. The witches don’t realize it, but when they tried to fry me, they actually triggered some visions.”

“All right,” Damon agrees reluctantly.

“Say it like you mean it. Don’t hold back.”


What follows is a rant of epic proportions. I’ve never heard someone use so many different versions of the same word, and with so much gritty passion.

Damon’s got a potty mouth.

The first spark ignites against my cheek, and it’s so powerful I almost tip over. Damon’s hands grip my arms, steadying me as the rest assault my body, but I barely feel the others because visions start flowing in.

I see us together. Damon and me. We’re dream hopping, finding the witches while they sleep. Since they have to die either by accident or by suicide, Damon keeps them under while I convince them to sleepwalk to their doom.

Future-me is brilliant.

Rapid-fire kisses bring me back to the present. Damon’s soothing all the spots where I got hurt. When he gets to the last one on my chest, it’s hard not to get distracted. It’s tempting to ask for another dose, but I’ve seen enough to form a good plan. We’ll have time for a proper celebration later.

“We can go after the witches together,” I tell him confidently. “Control them in their dreams, just like we did to Linus.”

He doesn’t share my optimism. “That’d be a great idea if I had something of theirs to get inside their heads. In that case, I’d have to find them first, so I might as well go looking sooner rather than later.”

He’s right.

“Why would my visions show me the impossible?” I wonder out loud, before grinning slowly. “Because it’s not impossible. We already have something that belongs to them.”

Damon blinks at me. “We do?”

“During witchcraft 101, Astrid told me covens are connected. They’re bonded in their own way, by rituals and oaths. In theory, what belongs to one belongs to all.”

When it dawns on him, his face contorts with shock. “The arrow.”

“Yep.” My lips pop on the ‘P.’

Damon’s practically vibrating with excitement as he paces away. “You’re a genius, baby. We’re going to get them all. Every single one.”

Impatient, I flail my hands at him. “Well, what are you waiting for? Go get the arrow.”

He turns to leave, but then he pauses and glances at me over his shoulder. “It’s because of my ass, isn’t it?”

I’m totally confused. Has the Glow made him loopy? “Huh?”

“The human saying. When you hate to see me go but you enjoy watching me leave—you’re checking out my backside.”

Only Damon would be thinking about his own butt at a time like this.

I grin. “Yes, that’s exactly it.”

Returning my smile, he blows me a kiss before fading out.

Knowing I have an exhausting night ahead of me, I take a seat at my table.

I try to keep my head clear as minutes go by, but I’m too anxious to stay still. I tap my foot. I inspect my cuticles.

Time often passes differently in dreams. What seems like seconds could be hours, or vice versa. So it’s hard for me to tell if Damon’s been gone for a long time or if it’s just my mind playing tricks on me.

When he finally gets back, I jump up from my chair and rush over to him. “What took so long?”

He confirms his delay with a grimace. “I found Astrid in one of the pit traps outside the camp. She was all snuggled up in there with one of her rugs.”

I wrinkle my nose. “That’s… weird.”

“Right? I put her back in her bed.” Damon holds out the hand that isn’t clutching the broken arrow. “Ready?”

I fit my fingers against his. “Ready.”

When I close my eyes, I anticipate the odd floating sensation I experienced the last time we did this. I tighten my grip on Damon’s hand as we’re propelled to a vast place of nothingness between dreams. I’m weightless and he’s my anchor.

Although I can’t see the dream orbs around us, I sense them as Damon picks which one to visit first.

The world begins to solidify again, and I open my eyes when my feet take form on a bed of leaves and twigs. We’re back in the forest near the wedding ridge. The flowers growing Copyright 2016 - 2024