The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,126

a hot poker.

Also, I’m healing faster than normal. I twist my torso, testing my range of motion. The damaged tissues inside are already fusing back together.

I’m going to live.

I let out a victorious shout, but no one is awake to share the moment.

Groping around for the invisible sheet, I find it a few feet away from Whitley. After tearing a long strip off, I bind my upper half, creating a bandage with a crisscross shape over my chest and back.

Once I’m thoroughly wrapped, I scoop Whitley up. She’s dead weight in my arms, but there’s no way I’m leaving her here while I go investigate how far my slumber power is traveling.

The only way for me to tell is to fly. I’ll have to get high above the ground to survey the effects.

Unfortunately, the arrow went through my wing. As the leathery flaps unfold, I stretch them, gingerly assessing the damage. When no pain comes, I glance back. There’s a pink patch where the puncture occurred, but the surface is smooth.


What kind of sorcery is this?

Glow is… disturbingly wonderful. For all the damage it can do, for all the trouble it’s caused, I have to admit I can see its appeal.

I’m hyper-focused, energized, and strong.

As I observe my surroundings, I realize it’s worked its way into my neurological system. My sight is better. Everything is sharp. Colors are more vibrant. Even from far away, I see every detail of each leaf. The veins. The variation of green, purple, and pink.

I look down at my sleeping mate.

Immense gratitude washes over me. I’ll never stop being in awe of her. Not only is she my companion and the love of my life, but now she’s my hero as well. She saved me. Because of her, I’m not dying. I’m not in pain.

I’m fucking fantastic.

Taking flight, I soar over the trees, amazed by my speed. I’m faster and my endurance is an endless well. I’m also aware of the inner workings of my body. Like the gears of a clock, I feel my blood pumping around and around. Every time oxygen fills my lungs, it fizzles in my head, giving me a sense of weightlessness.

Holding Whitley a little tighter, I get higher and higher in the sky. A hundred feet. Five hundred. A thousand.

The air becomes thinner as I rise above some clouds.

Up here, the clash of colors is all around us. The prisms in the mist touch our skin, throwing rainbows on us from head to toe.

Squinting, I search for signs of life below. I spot a gnome village. They like to garden at all hours, so I observe the rose bushes and wildflowers surrounding their tiny houses. Several of the little people are sprawled out. Asleep.

Well, it’s safe to say my slumber vibes are literally going as far as the eye can see. Anyone within a mile of me is unconscious, and I have no idea how long this power surge will last. Looks like I’ll owe a formal apology to a good portion of the Dawn and Dusk Realm.

Passing through a thick fog, I turn around to head back to camp.

After swooping down to the wedding ridge, I step over a snoring soldier, take Whitley into our tent, and place her on the bed.

The invisibility spell has worn off on the material wrapped around me. The white sheet is magical no more.

When I untie it and take it off, I find the skin on my chest has closed completely. There’s just a scabby mark where the arrow went through.

“Unbelievable,” I mutter, heading outside to one of the water jugs to wash the blood off.

Just as I’ve cleaned my front, a rustle in the trees to my left has me on high alert. No one should be awake right now. Not unless they’re immune to me somehow. One of the witches maybe? A protection spell? But even Whitley’s mind barrier can’t hold up against my power right now.

Palming my machete, I turn slowly. “Who’s there?”

No answer.

“If you’ve come to finish the job, face me. Fight me. Don’t hide behind your coven like a coward.”

“Oh, for goodness sake,” the high voice exclaims before a little pink-haired head peeks out from behind a branch. “Don’t be so dramatic.”

I relax. “Luna?”

She flies over, zipping around me. “At your service.”

“I didn’t ask for your service.” I spin, trying to keep her in my sights.

“Yes, you did.”

“Did not.” I’m getting dizzy. “Can you just stay still for a second?”

Her hands go to her hips as she Copyright 2016 - 2024