The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,111

it. “I wanted to save this for our honeymoon, but I doubt the coven will give us a reprieve after the wedding. The way I see it, there’s no time like the present. Gotta roll with the bunches.”

“The bunches?” My mate’s lips quiver as she tries to hide a smile.


“It’s punches.”

I cock my head. “Are you sure? Punches don’t roll. Bunches can, if they’re round. Think about it—dust bunnies, balls of yarn, a basket of fruit—”

“Okay, okay.” Whitley laughs. “I’ll let you have this one.”


Vindicated, I puff out my chest as we plunge through some cloud cover. It’s thick enough to hide us from any onlookers. Not that there would be many. When I glance back at the camp, I realize we went farther than I meant to. Below, the trees are thick and there are no roads in sight.

“Don’t ever change, Damon.” Pressing her nose to my neck, Whitley inhales my scent. “I love everything about you. Your honesty, your humor, your kindness. I want centuries of this—you and your incorrect humanisms, flying together, you getting pissed when I’m too stubborn. I want it all.”

“Hey.” Brushing her hair away from her face, I read fear, worry, and hope in her expression. “You have it all.”

“I can’t lose you, Damon. I can’t. I love you too much.”

“Want to know what I know for certain?”

“What’s that?”

“I’m the luckiest man in all the realms. We have each other now. We’re bonded for all eternity and nothing will ever change that.” It’s not exactly the reassurance she needs, but it’s the best I can give.

Angling my wings, I catch a good wind so I can hover in place. I fold my legs, forcing Whitley to straddle my lap. Her dress hikes up around her thighs, and while she holds onto my neck, I let go of her waist to unbutton my pants.

I sigh with relief when my erection gets free. The thick length is almost painful in my grip. I’ve been hard for a good part of the day. Riding on a horse with Whitley in front of me is the sweetest torture.

“I need you,” I rasp. “Now.”

She must feel the same urgency, because she doesn’t hesitate to take my cock in her hand. With her arm braced on my shoulder, she rises up and fits my tip against her pussy.

She’s soaked, and she spreads the wetness around with the head of my cock.

So silky. Grunting, I fight to keep my eyes open and stay alert.

This isn’t the same as making love in a bed or on the top deck of a ship. I have to be careful up here. No doubt I’m going to enjoy it but staying mindful of our surroundings is imperative.

My awareness crumbles when Whitley stops teasing me and sinks down, penetrating herself with my shaft.

I moan, wrapping my arms around her as my wings falter. We dip, and mist kisses our skin as we fall a few feet. My frantic flapping brings us above the cloud again, but the bouncing also drives my cock deeper into my mate.

“Ohhh.” Tipping her head back, Whitley sighs out a sound of pleasure.

With her neck fully exposed, I lick up the column of her throat, enjoying the vibrations of her moan under my tongue. Traveling up to her chin, I pay some attention to the cleft there before reaching the destination of her mouth.

I kiss her over and over, our tongues dueling, teeth biting, lips sucking.

Hooking her ankles behind my back, Whitley begins riding me. It’s just a slight rolling motion of her hips, like she’s trying to figure out this position.

I decide to help her along. Getting a good rhythm going with my wings, I slowly flap instead of keeping them still. Up and down. Up and down. Gravity does most of the work for us, pushing our bodies closer every time I go higher.

And now I know why so many fae talk about sky coupling as if it’s a bucket list item. Everyone says you have to try it at least once. It’s exhilarating. Almost taboo. We’re out in the open, connected in the most intimate way.

Eyes locked with mine, Whitley’s exhale becomes my inhale as our lips brush together with every undulating wave. I breathe her in, reveling in her essence. Her taste. Her smell.

Keeping one hand on my neck, she uses the other to roam my body. My arms, my abs, my chest.

I groan when she pinches one of my nipples. Grasping her hip, I shove my cock Copyright 2016 - 2024