The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,110

behind Whitley to place my hands on her shoulders.

She doesn’t stop fiddling with the candle arrangement on the nightstand. “Yes, you should’ve.”

“Is my apology accepted?”

“Funny, I didn’t hear you say sorry.”

I smile. My feisty mate won’t make this easy for me. Lowering my lips to her neck, I murmur, “I’m sorry.” Kiss. “I’m sorry.” Kiss. “I’m sorry.” Kiss.

She shivers. Deciding to take it one step further, I bunch her skirt up in my hands, lifting her dress until her legs are exposed to the warm air. She stays completely still as I hook my thumbs into her panties. With a little push, they drop to the ground.

As her breath hitches, Whitley steps out of them and kicks the flimsy material away. “You think it’s going to be that easy to get back into my pants?”

“You’re not wearing pants.”

She huffs. I chuckle.

She doesn’t stop me as my hands roam her smooth thighs and her luscious ass. I palm the globes, squeezing the soft flesh.

Eyes closed, Whitley’s head tips back, and I take advantage of the way her hair falls away from her ear. I lick the new point on her lobe.

She gasps. Although her fae ears aren’t even close to being fully formed, the area will still be more sensitive than usual.

“When you start to grow wings,” I tell her, softly scratching her shoulder blades, “you’ll itch here. And once the slits appear, it’ll be another place on your body I can touch to make you want me. Even when you’re mad.”

Giving me the side-eye, she says, “You’re saying I should’ve rubbed your back yesterday and it would’ve made everything better?”

Just the thought of her nails on my back causes my cock to go from slightly stiff to rock hard. “Better, yes.”

Whitley spins in my arms and slips her hands under my tank top. Her fingers graze my ribs before reaching the place where my wings come out.

“Like this?” she whispers, rubbing up and down.

I hiss as chills and heat prickle my skin. “Yes.”

Something akin to hurt suddenly flashes over her face. “So you’re not mad at me anymore?”


“I thought—” Her gaze drops as she frowns.

Leaning down, I catch her eye. “What did you think?”

“I thought maybe you were having second thoughts about me.” The admission comes out in a rush. “Maybe you wished you’d been paired with someone else.”

“Paired with who?”

“I don’t know. Anyone but me?”

I’m so shocked by her statement that I’m speechless. I stare at her, my expression a mixture of confusion and shame.

Finally, I whisper, “I made you feel this way? Unwanted?”

She hikes a shoulder. “You were barely speaking to me.”

“Because you were in pain from the lies. Did I not stay by your side all night?”

“Yeah, you took care of me. The cool rag on my forehead was a nice touch, by the way. But you could’ve been doing it out of obligation.”

“Listen to me.” I tilt her chin up. “There’s no one better than you. If I had a choice of one week with you or thirty thousand years with someone else, I’d choose you every time.”

The pain clears from her eyes. “Really?”

“Really. Don’t ever, ever think that again. Ever.”

“Okay,” she says with a small smile.

“Unless you’re having second thoughts about me…?”

“No.” She blurts the word out like it’s the most appalling suggestion. “No way.”

I smirk. “Didn’t think so. I mean, I’m just too great.”

Rolling her eyes, she pushes at my shoulder. “Whatever.”

“Come here.” I pull her in for a hug and kiss the top of her head. “You know what we need?”

“To bang?” She blinks up at me innocently.

A laugh escapes me, and I step back to grab her hand. “You read my mind.”

She quickly glances around the tent. “Give me a second. I’m not done making the bed yet. We need sheets—”

“We don’t need a bed for this.” A wicked smirk tugs at my lips as I lead her outside. Nonchalant, I wave at some soldiers surrounding a firepit. “Just going for a quick flight.”

I pivot toward Whitley and let my wings out.

“Sky coupling?” Paranoid, her eyes dart around, and I barely hear her when she mutters, “But I don’t have underwear on.”


Before she can say anything else, my arms encircle her waist and I propel us from the ground. She squeals as I lift her up to the sky, but when we rise above the trees, the alarmed sound turns into a laugh.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Somewhere no one will see us.” Finding a thick cloud in the distance, I move toward Copyright 2016 - 2024