The Fae King's Dream (Between Dawn and Dusk #2) - Jamie Schlosser Page 0,112

into her tight heat with more force.

Her breasts jiggle inside her dress. The skin on her chest is a creamy peach color in the warm light of the horizon. Dusk is almost here. The only thing that would make this more magical is if we were both naked.

“Let me see those tits, baby,” I demand, my gaze fixed on Whitley’s hidden nipples.

Without hesitation, she unties the string keeping the laces together. Dipping a finger into the green neckline, she loosens it. One breast pops out. Then the other.

The restrictive fabric gets caught under the soft mounds, pushing her flesh up in the most enticing way. Her nipples are pointing toward my face, just begging to be sucked.

And so I do. I take one stiff peak into my mouth, laving it with my tongue before gently tugging it between my teeth.

“Damon,” Whitley pants, her fingers scraping over my scalp and getting tangled in my hair. “Touch me.”

She doesn’t have to specify where. I can feel the pounding ache from her needy clit.

I press a thumb to it, and she lets out a wail of relief and pleasure. Circling the swollen bud, I rub it with firm strokes.

Whitley bucks faster, and I know she’s close. Her inner walls flutter around my cock as wetness gushes from her pussy.

Flipping my hand, I use my middle finger on her clit while massaging her lower belly with the heel of my palm. Where her womb is.

I want to spill my seed inside her. To see her belly swell with my child. To see the future in a face that’s both hers and mine.

She could be pregnant soon. It wouldn’t be the first time a fated couple conceived in the first week.

The thought almost makes me come. My balls tighten and a growl rumbles in my throat.

And when my eyes connect with Whitley’s, somehow I know she’s having the same thought. The same desire.

She wants it, too.

As her mouth opens with a silent scream, her head falls back. A second later, her walls clamp down.

She moans, loud and long.

I come so hard my vision dims.

We start to fall.

Whitley gasps, but she has no reason to be afraid. I won’t let any harm come to her.

While my cock pulses, I fly higher, grunting from exertion and the sensation of Whitley bouncing on me as I continue to erupt.

I take us to a new cloud, and we hold each other for at least a minute while we catch our breath.

I’m still lodged deep inside my mate when the two suns from the Day Realm merge. A sliver of the blinding orbs peek over the horizon to the west.

The light chases all my fears away. For a second, I have no worries about the future.

It isn’t difficult to focus on the present with Whitley here, her copper hair as bright as a flame. Her skin glowing. Her eyes like two crystals.

What I wouldn’t give to stay in this moment forever, but there’s a hard truth we can’t deny—we’re facing a war, and we can’t have forever until we win.


My premonitions don’t freak me out like they used to. It’s easy for me to recognize when it’s happening. There’s a certain stillness in the air. An unnatural silence.

The way the dewy grass dampens my slippers feels real. The details in the Dawn and Dusk sky are precisely what I always see when I look up. The wildflowers scattered around me burst with colors.

I’m back in the Rainbow Field, and I’m not happy about it. Why would I have the same premonition twice?

Paying close attention, I try to soak up every clue as I walk out into the clearing.

I shiver and rub my arms. I’m too exposed. In the forest, there are a thousand places to hide, but I’m out here in the open. It feels like I’m being watched.

Turning in a circle, I scan the trees, searching for suspicious shadows. There’s a spot where the bushes have been trampled. A path.

When I spin back around, I see Damon about fifty feet away. His handsome profile is shadowed by the light coming from the west, and he’s unmoving. Frozen, as if the premonition is waiting for me to catch up.

I will myself forward, and in a blink, I’m almost there. I feel drawn to the spot next to him, and I don’t fight the invisible force pulling me there.

As soon as I’m close enough to touch him, everything spurs into motion.

Damon walks several feet ahead, and I want to yank him Copyright 2016 - 2024