Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,82

dangerous in doing so. But even if in that moment I hadn’t seen it, hadn’t realised it for myself, then what Lucius said next it would have been impossible not to understand it. For it not to seep deep inside me and settle in the depths of my soul.

“All my years…by the Gods, there have been so many, for when millennia acts like a century, and century goes by like a decade, until then that decade becomes a year, it all flows into an endless amount of days…and an endless amount of time…and all of it, Amelia…all of it meant nothing…” He paused to place his forehead to mine as he then whispered the last of his words,

“…not until there was you.”

“Lucius, Honey,” I whispered as I placed a hand to his cheek and held it there as he confessed his feelings for me, ones that rooted deeper inside than in any way physically possible. He pulled back a little to give me space to tell me further,

“In all that time passed and until you, there has never been moments of panic, moments of sheer, undiluted terror to fill my veins, turning them to the ice of mindless emotion that struggled to make sense enough for basic function. I had never felt so at a loss, so desperate. I thought I had felt the limit of these emotions only once before, but now I know it was nothing in comparison.”

“You mean my mother?” I asked taking care at the delicate edge of this conversation and not wanting to lose track of anything because of it.

“Your mother most certainly caused enough worry for those who cared for her, myself included,” he admitted before going on to add,

“But you have to know, when it comes to Keira, then I…” I placed my hand to his cheek and stopped him,

“Lucius, I know.”

“What do you know?”

“That she was important to you and that type of loyalty, I would be a fool to believe that it goes away just because you have fallen in love.” He shifted his head back a little more to get a better view of my face before asking,

“And this new understanding happened when exactly…? Ah, but of course,” he said answering his own question as it dawned on him what I had experienced before I had stepped into Hell.

“I guess there is still a lot we need to talk about,” I said quietly as I saw his features play out the same thought. Because I was right, there might have only been a few days between us but after what I had seen before stepping through that portal, then really there was much more. In fact, there was a whole lifetime of moments that had passed between us. After all, Lucius still didn’t know exactly what I had seen or how it had affected me. Something I could tell he wanted to know.

“Then it is time for you and I to have that talk then, as I for one know it is long overdue,” he said pulling me up and making me ask,

“Where are we going?” He didn’t answer me at first, but instead he raised me up until I was standing with him in the middle of the bed. Then, after he first helped to steady me, his wings materialised as if they had been plucked from some hidden realm they resided in. Now only appearing when they felt the call of their Master. After this he wrapped a secure arm around my waist and told me,

“To clean you up, before the scent of your blood mixed with the scent of my cum on your skin drives me beyond all reason but fucking you raw again.” I couldn’t help but grin.

“That doesn’t sound like a very good reason to get clean to me,” I said with a wink and it was one he burst out laughing at, before commenting to himself,

“I’ve created a monster.”

And what was my response…?

“Hell yeah, you fucking did.”


Greed is a Sin

“I’m not sure whether I should admit this or not, but I think I am clean, Honey,” I said with laughter in my tone, one that came out when I heard his playful growl behind me. Then he lowered his lips to the shell of my ear and whispered,

“I disagree, my sinful, little troublemaker.” This caused a shiver and being that I was currently surrounded by all that was Lucius, then the smile I felt against my neck was because he had felt it.

This happened

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