Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,83

shortly after Lucius flew us both over the black crystal bed and walked us to a part of the room that at first glance just looked like it went to nowhere.

However, the closer we got, it was then that I could see the difference, reminding me of some of the walls in the movie Labyrinth. It was in the way the shards were positioned, as from afar, it had been camouflaged. But then sliding behind one section and there was actually an opening to the side that you could walk behind.

Once there I found a set of stairs cut directly out of the black stone in a rough way that for someone clumsy like me, would have no doubt fallen and broken my mortal neck. Which, needless to say, was why I was thankful Lucius continued to want to carry me, plus…I was still as naked as he was.

Hence the reason that once we reached the last step (and there was a lot of them) I was thankful to see that we were still alone. But what I had found had me quickly blurting out,

“You know I am starting to think that you have a thing for caves.” To which he scoffed a laugh before warning me,

“This is where you refrain from making any Batman jokes or I promise you, Princess, I will drop you straight in there.” I giggled at his teasing and decided to push it,

“You got it, Bruce.” At this he narrowed his eyes at me, and in a few long strides walked to the edge of the large pool of water before holding my body away from his chest and straight over the water, silently threatening to drop me.

“Whoa! Okay, okay, you win…Jeez, don’t get your cape in a twist,” I said making him smirk down at me. Then, instead of just dropping me like he threatened, he walked us both into the water, making me hold myself tense for some reason expecting it to be cold.

“It’s warm?” I asked with surprise making him just wink at me in return. The room wasn’t like any bathroom I had ever seen in all my life, but essentially that was what it was.

The stairs led down onto the only flat surface in the whole room, which ended up being the only part that looked even somewhat conventional. This was because it had a vanity slab with a sink carved out of it and a flat vertical piece of rock sticking out. It was a polished piece of frosted glass that showed your image…or just about.

The whole thing looked carved out of the same black stone that pretty much made up ninety nine percent of the place. A connecting wall opposite the unusual sink was where I gathered the toilet was, although I didn’t even want to know how that worked, as I didn’t exactly see this place having good plumbing.

The rest of the space was taken up by a sunken infinity pool as the water overflowed the edges and into the frame of a slight cavity that I gathered captured all the overflowing water. I couldn’t exactly say what shape the pool was as it curved around corners and out of view. It also enveloped around the pillars of black shards that rose up like tree trunks, seemingly holding up the level above us. But this time, these shards were polished so much, it looked like black liquid rising up above us.

This mimicked the carved stone below that held the deep pool of water, and if it hadn’t been for the many hanging wrought iron cages that hung down from the cathedral high ceilings, then it would have been in total darkness. But then with there being so many dotted about the cavernous space and each one being the size of an armchair holding a fire pit, then it made the entire cave room glow. I also had to say that the effect of the flames reflecting off the black water was so startling, it was hard to look at anything else.

It was eerie and magical at the same time.

This was because it was such a seductively dark place that I found myself turned on again and without even needing to look at the naked God that had me in his arms. But then it soon became clear that his intentions were for the reasons he first spoke of. As instead of picking up my legs and slamming me down on the length of him and fucking me

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