Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,81

back I knew what was coming. So, I held on tighter, as his hips thrust forward one more time, now rooting himself deep inside me, deeper than ever before!

“AH!” I screamed in pleasure, at the same time he exploded inside of me, coating the walls of my sex with even more of his mark. I felt so much of it that it seeped out around him, soaking his balls that were hung against me, along with the hole that held him snug to me, unwilling to let go of its bounty.

Lucius, roared down at me this time, making me close my eyes and savour the sound of his release, happy in the knowledge that it matched my own. After this he collapsed down on me, resting his head at my neck and lazily licking at my wound to clean up the mess he had made. I shuddered, knowing it was one he felt travel along his still hard cock that was seated comfortably inside me.

“Did I mention that I love you too?” I murmured when I had finally managed to catch my breath, doing so with my arms around his neck and combining it with a squeeze. One that was given back in return, only in a way that meant wrapping me completely in his arms and rolling us both to our sides. Unfortunately, this meant me losing his length and I let a moan slip at that loss. He hummed against my neck before lifting his head up and cupping the apple of my cheek, caressing a thumb across it.

“My girl doesn’t like to lose my cock.”

“No, she doesn’t,” I agreed shyly.

“This pleases me, along with how well you took your punishment.” At this my eyes widened in surprise and he kissed the corner of my lips and said again,

“You took it so well, Pet.” I couldn’t help but cough a laugh,

“Ha, I think I said I hated you and called you a bastard among other things and might have even cursed your existence, Handsome.” He laughed once and added playfully,

“And let’s not forget threatening to kick my ass.”

“Yes, well, there was that too,” I agreed sheepishly.

“I am no fool, Amelia,” he stated, making me question back,

“What do you mean?”

“I deserved it all, Sweetheart, just as you deserved all I did to you,” he admitted, surprising me.

“You really think I deserved it all?” I braved asking and this was when the conversation turned more serious, starting with his hold on me tightening,

“You fucking left me,” he suddenly snarled against my lips, making me suck in a sudden breath at his words, something that he obviously needed to get out.

“Honey,” I whispered on a breathy sigh before he kissed me again, only pausing again to repeat,

“You left me…again.” I felt my body tremble this time, shuddering slightly in his hold, one that only got tighter the second he felt it.

“Fuck, Amelia…” he said with gritted teeth before kissing me again, as if he never wanted to stop but the need to tell me what he had been through was also pushing at him.

“What, Lucius…what is it…tell me,” I said the second his lips left my own and he trailed his kiss down my jawline before paying attention to my neck. Once there he licked, sucked, and bit down, doing so against the part he had not long ago claimed. He also held the tender flesh between his teeth in what felt like frustration. So, I put a hand to the back of his head and shifted my fingers soothingly through his soft hair. Then I turned my head towards his as much as I could and whispered,

“Tell me, Handsome.” At this he froze as if a memory was dragging him back under and before I needed to say more his head lifted so I could now see for myself the utter heartbreak I had inflicted upon him. The sheer amount of worry I had forced him to endure, and the punishment he gave me, was the only way he could make me understand it all.

It was in that moment that I really started to understand all that was Lucius. The man he was, the power he held, the position he’d had forced upon him. It had all meant nothing when faced with trying to prevent me from slipping through his fingers the first time. And then there was the second time, only something he would class as another failure. And he had been right, the second had been far more

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