Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,62

be the one to intervene and stop the following war between the Romans and the Sabines. However, before this happened Janus, being enraged by the act of man trying to overrule the fate of the population, intervened. He caused a volcanic hot spring to erupt, resulting in the would-be attackers being burnt and buried alive.

The part of the story that isn’t told to mortal man was that after this happened, Hersilia found herself among the dead. She had been captured by one of the men who Janus had punished with death, meaning she was then free to escape. However, instead Janus was touched by her bravery and compassion, as she found herself looking to help any that may have survived, despite what they had done to her own people. This was when she came across a large red stone sparkling in the ash of the remains.

Being one that was worthy, Janus let her pick it up and the moment she did, she saw a glimpse into the future. The stone showed her that the only way to end the coming war between Romulus and her people was through love not hate. She was shown that through making the King fall in love with her, it would one day give her the power to convince him that war was not the answer. Shortly after this, she went back into the city of her own free will and caught the King’s eye. A little time later they were married and history was changed for the better.

The Crimson Eye was created through Janus’ brief hatred for mankind. But in doing so, he transferred some of his power through rage and the emotion was forged in the burning core of Hell, forming it into a precious stone of fate. Now, despite it being used for good and bringing about the peace between two regions, Janus also knew it equally had the power to destroy through that same type of knowledge. It is why, as soon as the stone fell from Hersilia’s hands, it sank back into the depths of the Hell in which it had been born. This before being spewed up by the volcanic eruption Janus had created in his wrath. Lucifer naturally took possession of it until there was one he felt could be trusted more.

And apparently that person became me.

And rightly so considering I had barely been tempted to use it, having no need to know my future. For I knew what fucked up shit could happen when you relied too heavily on the Fates to guide your life. Not when I knew that your decisions should solely be those based on your own beliefs, strengths, fears and even doubts.

I quickly located my bed and lay down, having no intention of sleeping but only hoping that what I did next was to aid me in finding her. That and also crushing all concerns I had in what was fuelling my jealously. Especially when it came to one Trice McBain, needing to know that he was being as honourable as his younger brother presumed.

The moment I closed my eyes, it didn’t take me long to find her mind, accessing it far quicker down here where my powers were far stronger in my own realm. This also brought me comfort as I knew then that she was also still somewhere within my kingdom. Which meant that wherever they were, they hadn’t gone too far beyond my reach.

But then the second she felt me entering her void, she responded and when I heard that sweet voice whispering,

“Handsome” I allowed myself a moment to feel revealed. Her sleeping form was mostly shadowed for some reason, even though I could surmise she was lay somewhere on the ground outside. But the darkness around her worried me…where was she?

I leant down close to her and whispered in her ear from behind,

“Amelia, where are you, Sweetheart?” She sucked in a startled breath, telling me that I was in danger of her suddenly waking because of it. That was the last thing I wanted to happen right now as it would make it more difficult in finding her. This was because her void was only accessible when she slept, for her mind was too strong when awake.

If only I had taught her how to let me into her conscious state of being, then I might have had a chance at finding her the moment I followed her into Hell.

“I’m here,” she whispered, and I could just make out her

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