Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,61

was a chance the Wyvern wouldn’t survive another hour!

After this I left my prison, cracking my fists and popping a dislocated knuckle back into place. Something that had happened when trying to hit a certain well-spoken Wyvern in the face and getting the wall instead when the fast fucker dodged the punch. I quickly became consumed with needing to know what was happening with Amelia right at this very moment. For all I was left hoping for was that wherever they were, they had decided to stop and rest for the night.

I made it back to the grand staircase that connected the main tower to all other towers that surrounded it, including my own. As usual I had little patience for climbing fucking thousands of steps and released my wings to fly straight up the centre. I landed quickly and was soon crossing the glass walkway over to the private part of my home in Hell. This was so I had the privacy I needed to access Amelia’s mind once more.

I had made a promise not to do this again but considering she had also made the same promise never to leave me, I think I could be forgiven this once in being allowed to use it to my aid. Because clearly promises were subjective on whether or not the fucking world needed saving! This, I thought with a grit of my teeth, was something I had been doing a lot fucking more lately!

I opened the private door that was guarded by the souls of the condemned and needed my blood to open it. I even remember Lucifer explaining how I would be grateful one day for the privacy and warned me that in Hell, there was always someone watching. A lesson I had taken seriously and kept with me throughout my continued existence.

It was also why, when having his witches build this place, an everlasting storm was created to continually surround it, so it added to the protection. Of course, he was not only thinking of me but more so for what I had been charged with protecting. I had been declared as keeper of the Crimson Eye, and right here in my tower was where it was kept.

The Eye was said to have been born through the rage of Janus, the God of time and ruler of the Fates. As a rule, Janus rarely intervened in the way of life, learning quickly that the slightest change of the past can affect the future. Because knowing one’s fate has the power to affect the entire world.

This being said, Janus first had to experience this lesson for himself and did so when he became enraged by man’s wicked ways. Romulus, the first King of Rome started commanding the kidnapping of the Sabine women. It was a time in which the men of Rome committed a mass abduction of these young females, hellbent of stealing them away from the other cities in the region. This was because of the dwindling population and the greater ratio of men to women.

Romulus became concerned with maintaining the city's strength and knowing that with their few women inhabitants there would be no chance of sustaining the city's population. The greater fear for the King was that Rome might not last longer than a generation. On the advice of the Senate, the Romans then set out into the surrounding regions in search of wives to establish families with. The Romans negotiated at first but did so unsuccessfully with all the people that they appealed to. This included the Sabines, who populated the neighbouring areas.

The Sabines, like others who had refused them, did so because they feared the rise of a rival society and refused to allow their women to marry the outsiders. Consequently, through this failure to come to terms with the exchange, the Romans devised a plan to abduct the Sabine women instead, doing so during the festival of Neptune Equester.

They planned and announced a festival of games to attract people from all the nearby towns. At the festival, Romulus gave a signal by ‘rising and folding his cloak and then throwing it round him again’, no doubt looking like a pompous ass at that! But with the signal given, the Romans started grabbing the Sabine women and fought off the men that tried to stop them.

Nearly all of the women abducted at the festival were said to have been virgins, all except for one married woman, Hersilia. She became Romulus' wife and would later

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