Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,63

reaching hand, as if searching for me. But then this was when I noticed the shadow around her started to move, as if it were something cradling her form. A form that soon started to take shape.

“My Khuba…You. Are. Not.” I replied in a hard tone, one that I knew sounded harsh when she flinched because of it. But then, despite believing what that shadow could represent, I was at least comforted when she pleaded,

“Please…I am…I am waiting for you...” This was when she finally opened her eyes in her own dream and found me scowling down at her with my arms crossed and no doubt looking furious. However, the moment she reached out once more for me, I forced myself to believe that the reason for the male presence wrapped around her sleeping form had been for her own wellbeing. That it had been to ward off the night’s chill.

It was that or death would be the only thing waiting for Trice McBain when he finally walked my woman back through my castle doors.

I released a deep sigh before lowering to one knee so I could get closer to her, unable to deny the pleading look on her face. She opened her mouth as if ready to speak my name when the shadow across the middle of her belly started to become that of another man and I was left with a bitterness like no other.

The deep sting of jealously of the likes I had never felt before made the last thing I said down at her being one she would no doubt wake up and remember.

For it was said as nothing short of a warning…

“You wait for me in another man’s arms?”


Personal Demons

As I sat on my throne waiting for her to approach it took everything in me to sit there and wait after motioning for her to be brought forward. I simply wanted to storm my way past my people and claim what was mine in the single second it would take me in getting to her.

But to see that she was stalling only fuelled my anger further and fed the demon side of me that had not long ago taken over completely. Something that had become a battle I fought with myself since she had awoken and broke the connection to her void. In fact, the only reason I hadn’t given into my rage is that during the whole time I was in her mind she had clearly wanted me to find her. She had been looking for me and despite having another man’s arms around her, it had been me she had been reaching out for.

So, I had beaten back the demon in me and held firmly onto the rational part of my mind that focused instead on leaving my tower and trying to find her. However, it was all in vain for during this time searching my lands for any sight of her, she had been making her way to my castle. The McBain brothers had done what they had been charged with doing just like Vern had said they would, completing their task to regain their souls.

Which was the only reason I hadn’t ripped Trice apart with my bare hands the moment I first saw him. For surely if he had fallen for my girl, then why would he be delivering her to me despite the uncertainty of her fate, for no one knew who she was to me. No, for all he knew, death was what I had planned for her.

Of course, on hearing what fate had befallen her by the time I got back, then it was my brother’s life I had in my hands instead of that of another McBain! I couldn’t believe he had ordered her thrown into my prison and despite hearing his reasons, I fucking lost it! I had just been about to storm into the prison and get my girl when my brother’s words had stopped me…

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, not unless you want our father finding out what she really means to you.” I had paused in the archway to my brother’s quarters, that acted as an office of the King. But considering he used it far more than I, then it had my brother’s tastes written all over it. It was clear with one look at the place that he was still partial to our once Persian existence. Scalloped archways were what framed hung fabrics that represent the sunset over

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