Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,57

the beast my general rode upon whined in an anxious way, sensing the higher power pulsating from me.

“Oh darn,” Vern said uncharacteristically before he became the second life I held in my grasp in the past few minutes. I did this by lifting him in the air by his throat, ready to choke the fucker! He clawed at my hand in a desperate attempt at trying to draw breath and I knew that I would have to force my hand to let go if I was to get my answers.

Fuck, but she had been right there for fuck sake!

“I asked you a fucking question, Wyvern!” I growled after first dropping him to the floor and giving him no time to cough through his first few breaths. But I had to give him his due, he was a ballsy mother fucker as he glared up at me and said,

“I haven’t a dickybird.” I scowled down at him and instead of kicking the shit out of him, because I simply didn’t have the time, I instead took control of his mind. His eyes glazed over and rolled back in his head the second I forced my way in there, and because he was in his own right a powerful asshole, it didn’t come as easy to me as it should.

However, with that being said, I forced my way deeper and stripped him of his rights to keep me out, seeing it all starting to play out. I skipped over the parts I had seen, that included the battle with the Queen, ignoring how well they had fought in keeping my girl safe.

Because despite it being a factor that would no doubt save his life, I was too furious right now to let him get away unscathed and wanted no image in my mind to cloud that decision. He would feel my wrath, there was no doubt about that!

But then I slowed down those memories when I reached what I was looking for…where they had perhaps purchased the portal orb.

“Necromancer,” I hissed letting him go and turning back towards where they had obviously come from.

“No…No don’t go…” I ignored his pointless pleas by storming down the street until coming to a shop front I recognised from his memories. The stained glass displayed the name and when I walked inside, I found a girl with navy blue and white tipped hair. She was also muttering to herself about pains in her ass handsome bastards, as she was bent behind the counter arranging something on one of the shelves behind.

I cleared my throat and she snapped,

“Sorry we are closed…on account of the army standing in the street, dickhead, or did you miss ‘em?” She muttered this last part to herself making me wonder with that attitude how she had any customers at all. But then again, this was Hell and she wasn’t exactly dealing with the most reputable clientele. Not especially considering what the witch was selling. I took a few steps forward and when she heard that I was still there, she rose up from her crouched position and released an annoyed sigh. This was all before turning around to face me, as at the same time telling me,

“I said we are closed assho…holy shit!” She ended this irritated comment on a shriek of fear as I was removing my helmet, making her stumble back the moment I revealed myself. Good, I was glad the girl feared me as it would make it easier this way.

“You know who I am,” I stated making her nod her head in quick jerky movements and I glanced down in an expectant way telling her she was missing something when faced with a King. Her deep blue eyes widened as realization took hold and she lowered her body to bow in my presence. To be honest I couldn’t give a fuck but with half the damn town now watching, I knew it was needed. However, what came next was unfortunate, as I had no choice but to threaten her.

“Then you also know what I want.”

“Erh…not really…” she replied in an unsure way and I held up my hand to silence her and snapped,

“The girl, I want to know where you sent the fucking girl!” My growl of anger was easily read for she paled. Then she muttered under her breath,

“Damn it, Vern.” This was said off the back of Vern, who could be heard shouting in rage, despite how much like a posh twat he sounded when doing

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