Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,56

that most would distance themselves from, where others with something to prove would most likely challenge me. To be honest, out of the two I wasn’t sure which I was hoping for more, as I most certainly could have done with a good fight.

But did I have the time for that…? Fuck no!

Did I want it…? Fuck yeah!

Before long I came to the tail end of some of my army that were holding their position and stood waiting for their general’s orders. I frowned in question before approaching them, demanding,

“What is the meaning of this?”

“Move along, bounty scum,” the soldier said with a mere glance back at me, making me snap at the disrespect despite him obviously not knowing who I was. So, I grabbed him by the throat at the same time ripping his own helmet off his head, before forcing him to his knees. In response, I soon found all those around him with the tips of their blades pointed at me.

Unphased by this, I growled low and dangerous.

“You dare speak such words to your King, for you must tire of the use of your tongue to beg of me in such a way to rid you of it!” I snarled with a rumbling sound of displeasure from my demon at the end. But this statement was enough to have those that once pointed their swords at me now wisely lower their weapons along with quickly falling to their knees. This started a wave of movement throughout the entire army that snaked up the main street of the town, as they first split in the centre before finding the floor.

Well, so much for being inconspicuous, I thought wryly.

I could barely see the end of this river of bodies that were still falling as the presence of their King travelled up the ranks like a fucking Chinses whisper. Which was why I had no patience to make a show of storming through the centre of them all. So instead I took to the sky until I could see the end, where my commander was positioned. But then something else took my eye…Gods alive but could it really be…

“Amelia…?” I spoke her name as if she were some kind of myth. Some magical creature that only existed in the realm of hopeful dreams. Gods in fucking Heaven, but she was alright! She was right there, and she was standing tall and from what I could see, was unharmed!

“Thank the Gods,” I muttered, closing my eyes for a second as the feeling overwhelmed me, for it was as if my prayers had finally been answered. But then, when I opened them again, I took in the scene in more detail and moved my gaze beyond the sight of my girl.

But even hovering fifty feet in the air above, I could still see that she was stood next to the three brothers and opposite them was Carn’reau upon his beast of a steed. I narrowed my eyes seeing that they all looked to be in what appeared to be some kind of standoff, with the McBain brothers standing guard over the girl against my army.

“What the fuck?” I questioned with a frown. I was about to get to the bottom of it and take possession of my girl when suddenly the worst fucking thing happened! It started when Trice suddenly cried out in anger,

“NO!” but then it was too late, as my eyes homed in on something in the younger brother’s hand. It started when the one named Vern had stepped forward to converse with my general and commander. But then the second I eyed the cause of Trice’s anger I too seemed to mimic the sound that had come from him, as I bellowed in fury,

“NO!” but it was too late, as the younger brother had thrown a glowing bottle behind him and the second it smashed, it created a portal, that had the power to suck those who stood next to it inside…

Amelia included.

Undiluted rage had me dropping from the sky and landing with enough force it cracked the cobbled street and made the whole town shake. I looked up and snarled furiously before gaining my full height when rising from my bent knee to fully standing. I did this in dangerous, slow movements that had those around me staggering backwards, including the cause of my rage…Vern McBain.

“My King…” Carn’reau said in surprise as I turned his way and suddenly thundered,

“WHERE IS SHE?!” The army behind him responded quickly and

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