Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,58

so. But it was clear he cared for what I was doing in here, as one glance out the window and I could see he was fighting my men. Doing so now with one clear goal in mind, to get to the girl I faced…interesting.

He was trying to fight his way free of my men that soon had him restrained to the ground. It was also testament to his strength for he didn’t make it easy and much to Carn’reau’s annoyance, took at least six of his men to achieve this.

“I didn’t send her anywhere, I swear, my Lord,” she replied when I made it clear I was still waiting for an answer. So, I took a threatening step forward and warned,

“I will hurt you, woman…and then when I am done with you, I will burn all you built to the ground…now give me the information I want to know!” If I thought she had paled before, then now she had lost all colour, even in her once peach coloured lips.

“I…I…honestly…I don’t know what you’re talking about…please.” She held up her hands in fear as I stalked towards her, too afraid to move back and try and run from me.

“The portal orb you supplied the Wyvern, tell me, where did it lead?” I asked again in a tone that said I was closer to following through with my threat. She frowned a moment as if genuinely confused before she cursed,

“Fucking Vern!” I frowned and then heard another roar from the street as he shouted,

“SHE DOESN’T KNOW ANYTHING! LEAVE HER ALONE YOU NINNYHAMMER!” At this unique insult for a simpleton, one I will confess to have not heard since the sixteen hundreds, I halted my steps, tipped my head to the side and commented,

“Your handiwork, I presume?” She awkwardly shrugged her shoulders and replied,

“Uh…maybe…what can I say, he pisses a lot of people off.” I took a deep breath and agreed,


After this I continued to close the distance between us making her cry out for the Wyvern in panic.

“VERN!” she shouted despite the fact moments ago just cursing his name, meaning that this witch had deeper feelings for my new prisoner. She ran from around the counter without thinking about the danger and I snagged her body from getting any closer to the door. She cried out making Vern hear her and the guttural sounds of the fight was obvious as to why.

He cared for her too.

I held her squirming body still, doing so by collaring a metal hand around her throat. She stilled the moment I applied enough pressure to tell her how serious this was, and then I whispered down in her ear,

“I don’t want to hurt you girl, but you try my patience.”

“But…but…I swear to you, I don’t know what he took as he certainly didn’t pay for it…as usual,” she said in a strained voice more down to the circumstances and not because I was hurting her like I promised I would.

“And what of the girl?” I asked this time.


“What do you know of the girl?!” I snarled dangerously down at her this time and as a result, I felt the lump pass down my hand at her throat as she swallowed hard.

“Alright, I will tell you, but please…don’t hurt her,” she replied surprising me. For the reason she held back now was because she was worried what I would do to Amelia. I released a sigh and told her,

“Do not fear for the girl’s life, for I don’t intend to harm her.”

“And how do I know you’re not just lying?” she braved snapping back and I had to say, I liked the girl’s spirit. Besides, she would clearly need it considering who she had chosen to fall in love with.

“You don’t. But then again, I don’t need you to, not with your life in my hand…now tell me of the girl!” I said squeezing slightly to add emphasis to my words.

“Alright, alright!” she shouted making me ease my hold after a few seconds.

“So about five or so hours ago they brought a mortal girl into my shop. I didn’t think much of it, other than doing as they asked…”

“Which was?” I interrupted.

“They were looking for an elixir to restore their energy, which I gathered had something to do with needing it for getting the girl to where she needed to be,” she told me and so far, nothing seemed out of place.

“Then what?” I prompted.

“We went in the back to try and find it when Trice

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