Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,26

and connected with his handsome face. A face I knew far better now than the one before it.

His face cracked to the side as the sound of my palm connected with his cheek and echoed louder than the storm.

After this he slowly looked back at me, gifted me with a devilish grin and said only one thing,

“I guess I deserved that.”


Days ago. Back in the Temple of Souls…


“I lost you once, don’t make me lose you again, Amelia, please don’t fucking do that to me.” I said this in what I knew was a pained way for my fight at getting Amelia to see reason was one I was losing by the fucking second! I hated that I was back here again with her. That it seemed like one emotional hurdle after a-fucking-nother to somersault over.

I had barely even come to when I first heard the truth being spoken and it was one I had worked her entire lifetime at hiding. I thought back to the extremes I had taken just to keep my past actions from her and now knowing it had all been for nothing was a bitter sweetness I never expected to feel. For she had been shown it all, despite my pleas for her to save herself the pain.

But then my utter shock came when seeing her reaction. For once she had been made a secret witness to it all, stepping back through the linked memories the Keepers had shown her, the outcome had been the very last reaction I ever expected. No, what I had expected had been her hatred, her heartbreak, and her declaration of never trusting me again. I had expected this to be the one final thing that made her run from me. To want to throw away everything we had been through for the belief that it had all been built on lies. After all, gaining her trust in me had been a personal battle of mine from the very beginning.

However, in true Amelia fashion, she surprised me yet again and for once it wasn’t in a good way. Because none of what she had just discovered was what was making her leave this time and in truth, I actually wished it was. I wished it was because that would mean she wouldn’t have been running towards danger when leaving me and I had a better chance of winning her back along with her trust.

But like I said, this wasn’t the case, for what I could see she was planning now was a battle I would lose the moment she stepped into Hell and into a place no mortal could conquer. And despite my own anger towards her for what I knew would be a disastrous and potentially deadly decision made, I knew that it was one, at the very least, she struggled with. The way she sucked back a sob at the sound of my pleas told me this. But if it was begging she needed in order to prevent her making a foolish decision, then my pride could go and take a flying fuck, for I would do anything right in this moment to stop her. It was fucking suicide for Gods’ sake…didn’t she understand that!?

However, I liked to think that my pained actions had a chance at getting through to her, as a glimmer of hope soared within me. This was especially so when she closed her eyes because I knew then that the guilt of her decisions weighed heavily on her heart. I simply prayed to the fucking Gods that it was to the point where she would rethink this madness. For I knew that when it came to Amelia, guilt would be my only weapon to use against her and if all I needed to do was add a little more, then call me a bastard and so be it. Because just so long as it was enough to stop her from being her usual reckless self then ego be damned, I would do it.

I fucking begged!

Oh, I knew why she thought she had no choice, being like her mother in that way. Always at the ready to save the fucking day! Something which usually meant setting off a chain of events that only ever had one of two outcomes…death or a survival labelled ‘dumb fucking luck!’

But then that guilt was harder to deliver when she still refused to even look at me, meaning that I knew I was close to losing the fight. An instinct

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