Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,27

that was only proven right when she spoke and the moment she did, I found my own eyes closing due to the strength and heartache of her words,

“I love you so much, Lucius, by the Gods, I do.” Fuck the Gods if she thought this was her goodbye! For they would have an avenging half angel, demon pounding at their door if Hell took her from me!

I took a deep breath and with a strength I didn’t know had been buried there, one named patience, I told her in as calm a tone as was physically possible right now,

“Amelia, sweetheart, then prove it, prove it by just giving me your hand, that is all I ask.” I watched as her shoulders slumped, making the sight of her in that moment look even smaller than she usually did. Gods, but seeing her from behind like this, made me grit my teeth, for she looked like a child who had just had their dreams crushed. I clearly wasn’t the only one suffering an internal battle, one that she didn’t realise yet was a war none of us would win. She wanted to do what she believed was right, but she also knew that if she did, then she would sacrifice my heart in the process as she must have known what such actions would do to me? For how could she speak of her love for me if she didn’t?

My answer unfortunately came in the cruel form of her walking away from me and towards the Tree of Souls, and what was a permanent portal into Hell. And all the while she utterly refused to look back at me, knowing that if she did then the sight of my pain would have been my last and only power against her determination. Which was why I found myself soon roaring out in desperation, hoping…no, praying to any fucking God that would listen to take pity on me and grant me the same amount of power they had to stop her.

“NO! COME BACK HERE!” I bellowed in rage, although it was no use as my demanding words were lost to a stubborn mind that refused to hear anything other than her misplaced beliefs and ironclad resolve. I knew this when she continued to voice a love for me that in this moment she refused to back up with her actions.

“I love you so much, that I would go to Hell and back for you,” she said in a way that I knew she was already lost to me. I knew it. I felt it. I fucking hated it, which is why I quickly shifted my focus on my last hope at stopping her.

“I DEMAND YOU FUCKING LET ME INSIDE NOW!” I thundered like a wild beast, knowing that the sound was that of half man, half demon. That the Hellish part of me was an echoing rage that vibrated around my body and mind as if my demon had the power to rip me apart by the seams. To tear apart the shreds of my humanity and take control over the parts of my mind that keep him contained.

But containing that Hell was what I forced myself to do because I knew no good would come of letting that part of myself free, not when I needed to keep a level head. A level head in place of the pounding, furious rage that I could feel beating against my vessel. One that would have only managed in getting me knocked on my ass the second my demon foolishly tried to fight us both through the barrier.

I couldn’t afford for that to happen.

However, the Keepers of Three simply shook their heads at my threat, signing their own death sentence. For when I finally made it through this fucking thing then I would sever all three heads from their warped fucked up body!

Amelia glanced their way, obviously worried that they would have no choice but to grant their Master his wish. Even in my rage I could see the way she tensed as if readying herself for my granted entrance but then relaxed when she saw the unfulfilled outcome thanks to their silent refusal. Because she didn’t know that the Keepers weren’t a slave to their Master, whose life they were connected to, but they were a slave to the Tree of Souls, one that was connected to mine.

Fucking semantic bullshit!

It was the sacrificial roots of my heart that Lucifer had forced to beat with his

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