Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,25

that he didn’t want to see me go flying on my face. Talk about clutching at straws in the hope department…geez, easily pleased or what, Fae!

The space he walked me into was dark, and for my puny mortal sight, too weak to see where I was going. Something, I gathered Lucius knew too, as it was most likely the reason he still hadn’t taken his hand away from gripping my side. But then, I felt that hand shift to now put pressure on the small of my back, pushing me enough to step away from him.

“Stay.” This one worded command came out in a hard, demanding tone and I shamefully felt the growl of this single word ripple to my sex. After this I felt his dominating presence leave me and was left standing in the dark feeling vulnerable, holding myself around my stomach, totally unsure of where Lucius had brought me. The sound of the storm still raged around us, and I couldn’t tell whether this was more of a comfort or not, as being stood here in total silence wasn’t something I would have liked to experience either.

However, the storm cracked and thundered, along with the high-pitched whining sound as the wind whipped around the shard tower we stood in. But despite the power of the storm, I was also surprised when you could hear the slight sound of sparks crackling in the air around me, wondering what made them? I turned around, and even blind without the light, I tried to trace the sound and discover the origins. I turned again just in time to see as light erupted from behind what looked like a giant red crystal. It was one that stood vertical and tapered into jagged points like the castle itself. It looked as if it had been hacked off a larger piece and mounted into a wrought iron cage that sat on demonic metal feet.

It was stunning, even if it did start to cast an eerie glow around the room, because it wasn’t the only one. No, this turned out to be the first of many, as seconds after this had been ignited, the next one to it followed. My eyes travelled their journey as one by one another crimson crystal would light up and cast out that same Hellish glow on the room. Although, if you could actually class it as a room, I wasn’t sure. In fact, it was very similar to the top of the tower that held the staircase. This was in the way that it looked like a colossal glass shard had been hollowed out, only this time, this one wasn’t white…it was all black.

It made the walls look sinister and more like a glassy version of a person’s Void. Almost to the point that if you touched the walls you would be surprised when your hands felt a solid structure beneath your palms. Of course, you could just make out the storm passed the surface, something which helped create the illusion of movement, as if the walls weren’t actually there. As if I could just swipe my hand right through them and escape like a ghost passing through the walls.

But then as I continued to follow the crystals igniting one by one as they lined the circular room, I ended up turning to take in the very last one behind me ending it on a scream. This was because Lucius was now stood behind me where I didn’t expect him to be. However, after my shock had calmed, I started to really take him in, and this was when my new reality started to sink in.

Lucius had changed.

His wings had gone, along with the horns that held them connected to his back. His demonic armour had also disappeared which now left him in simple black trousers and bare chested. The dark veins around his eyes and those that shadowed his features had disappeared leaving pale unmarred skin beneath. But as for his eyes, they still held the hints of crimson and were all that remained of his demon. And with this change, one I wasn’t expecting, he soon added words to aid in the shock of which side of him I was faced with now,

“Hello, Princess,” he said and the second he did, my reaction couldn’t be helped as I felt my hand rear back, knowing nothing could stop it now. I let it fly through the air as my anger hit the pinnacle point of no return

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