Expecting it All (Punishment Pit #7) - Livia Grant Page 0,29

turned to Rachel. "I hope they don't trash your house."

"I'm sure they won't, well, unless they try to cook. That could be a disaster." An idea came to her out of the blue. "Why don't we pick up some pizzas for the boys, and you can all come over and we can have an impromptu party? You can show off all the gifts you just got, and you all can see Michael."

"Sounds good, let's go!"

One hour later, the trail of cars pulled up to Rachel and Derek's suburban home. The driveway was already full, so Rachel, Tiffany, Brianna and Mary parked along the street and walked up the driveway, weaving between the men's sports cars.

Rachel opened the back door and entered the messy, but empty, kitchen. It looked as though a bomb had gone off in the room.

I was only gone a few hours.

The women all jumped when they heard shouts from the family room. Suspecting they would catch the men watching some sporting event, they headed in that direction. Rachel couldn't hide her smile when she got to the entrance to the living room to find all four men gathered around Michael's swing, watching James and Mary's young sons trying to give the baby a kiss each time he swung their way.

The women exchanged grins as they watched their manly men playing with the young kids. Rachel finally broke the spell by clearing her throat and announcing their arrival. "Sorry to interrupt your fun, but we brought pizza."

The twins obviously were famished, as they abandoned Michael to run and give their mom a quick hug before rushing towards the kitchen for food. The four Doms looked at their submissives sheepishly, embarrassed to be caught playing with the kids. Little did they know, their women loved them all the more for it.

Derek's gaze was intense as Rachel approached. She didn't expect him to hug her so tightly that he lifted her off the ground as he squeezed her hard.

"Hey, you're back." He sounded funny.

"I am. Is everything okay?" she prodded.

He didn't answer right away. When he did, he spoke quietly in her ear. "It is now. We missed you."

Rachel debated whether she should mention that she knew he'd called his friends in for moral support. She decided to let it go. "I missed you too, but I had fun at the party."

Brianna reminded them there were pizzas in the kitchen and everyone headed in that direction while Rachel went to check on her son, ensuring he was comfortable before going hand-in-hand with Derek to join their friends.

Tiffany was regaling the men with stories from the party. "You need to get Mistress Martha under control. I was mortified by her gift. Your mother must think terrible things of me."

Lukus laughed after finishing a bite of pizza. "First, no one controls Mistress Martha. Second, my mother loves you. How could she not? She never thought I'd get married at all. I'm sure whatever the gift was, it reflects on me and not you."

Tiffany turned pink again just talking about it. "It was butt plugs, Lukus. She gave me a big ol' six pack, and even labeled the one she expects me to be wearing at the wedding, and let me tell you, there is no fucking way. It’s mammoth."

The sound of a palm cracking a clothed ass filled the room, causing Rachel's girly parts to wake up and take notice. It had been entirely too long since she'd had her own butt roasted. She missed it.

Lukus was lecturing his fiancée. "That's one, Tiff. No f word for you."

Tiffany looked more annoyed than sorry, but she played along. "Yes, Sir."

Brianna tried to help her best friend by changing the subject. "Did you tell Lukus about Zoie yet, Tiff?"

Rachel filled a plate with enough pizza for Derek, and went to plunk down in her husband's lap as they listened to Tiffany sharing shower stories.

"You need to call your sister, Lukus. She hit me up again, wanting the accounting job you have open."

Master Lukus's face showed alarm. "You didn't tell her it was still open, did you? She's been texting me, too. I told her it was filled."

Brianna questioned him. "Why not give her the job? She's graduating this month with her accounting degree. She could be a—"

Lukus cut her off. "You really want her hanging around at The Pit? She's a baby. She doesn't belong there, and I sure as hell don't want her watching if we’re playing or, God forbid, I’m doing the

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