Expecting it All (Punishment Pit #7) - Livia Grant Page 0,30


Rachel giggled at the horror that filled Tiffany's face.

"I hadn't thought about that. Okay, you're right."

In typical Master Lukus style, he replied cheekily, "Of course I'm right. I'm always right."

Brianna countered, "Don't get too cocky. You're wrong about her being a baby. She's a delightful young woman."

Markus shot his wife a glance. "You stay out of this, Brianna."

Brianna kept pushing Lukus. "What? I'm just saying that you've been looking for an accountant for months. Lukus hired someone, and they quit. He had to fire someone else. Clearly you're having problems keeping good help."

Derek chimed in. "I'm less worried about the accountant. We're getting by with the temp service. It's the Master Dom we need to fill, and quick."

Lukus snorted. "I'm beginning to think it's impossible. We've interviewed and screened dozens of guys."

Tiffany snorted back. "Well, anyone has to be better than that first guy. He was awful. He was as wimpy as my ex, Jason."

"I can't believe you're talking about your ex... here... now... only two weeks before our wedding," Lukus complained.

Tiffany's blue eyes lit up with a mischief that Rachel suspected got her ass warmed often. "Hey, he's the ex for a reason."

"Yeah, well, I'll be sure to give you a tangible reminder of how us non-wimps handle our women when we get home."

Tiff grinned. "I was counting on it... Sir."

Michael chose that moment to wake up with a squawk. Rachel's heart swelled with love as she listened to her son calling for her with his keen cry.

"I'll go get him changed, and bring him down to feed him."

Derek seemed about to get up to help her, but Rachel placed her hand over his heart lightly. "It's okay, Daddy. I have him."

The playful name had just slipped out. She'd been calling him Derek for weeks. She saw the pleased joy in her husband's eyes as he smiled back at her. He added a nice smack to her ass for good measure as she moved away from him; and her heart soared.

Rachel picked her crying son up and held him, swaying him gently to comfort him. He snuggled close, as if recognizing that his food source was back. It only took a few minutes to change his wet diaper. Then she grabbed a shawl from the back of the rocking chair and headed back to the kitchen.

The women were busy picking up the remnants of dinner while Rachel went back to her Daddy again. She sank into his welcoming lap before baring her left breast and leading her son to her nipple for his dinner.

When she looked up, all eyes in the room were on her. It felt odd. She'd been naked in front of these people dozens of times at The Pit. They'd seen her being intimately punished, and even having hot and wild sex with her husband. Yet she was self-conscious as they witnessed her feeding her baby.

Master James broke the quiet. "Now that's a marvelous sight—a new mother feeding her baby. I never get tired of it." He looked at his wife, a look of longing in his eyes. "Almost makes me want to try for another one. You game, Mary?"

Rachel expected Mary to protest, but instead she snuggled into her Dom's arms. "Whatever you think, Sir."

The friends spent the next hour visiting, while each of them took turns holding and cooing over Michael.

By the time they all left it was getting late, and Rachel was bushed. Derek cleaned the kitchen while she put Michael in his bassinet. She was just about to change for bed when her Daddy appeared in the doorway, larger than life.

Her heart skipped a beat at the dominant tone of voice. It was a sound she'd been missing. "And what do you think you're doing, young lady? You have a very important job to take care of still tonight."

Rachel played along. "What job is that?"

"Daddy. Until the next time the baby wakes up, I'm your Daddy, and you are my very good girl. And you know what good girls get, don't you?"

They'd played this game out dozens of times during their marriage, and as if they had been trained, her neglected girly parts contracted with pent-up desire. "Good girl spankings?" she asked hopefully.

Derek's lopsided grin lit up his face, making him the most handsome man she'd ever seen. "Oh, you'd better believe it. That, and a nice full tummy of hot cum."

Rachel licked her lips self-consciously, anxious to get started, yet wanting to make the moment last. "I am still ravenous."

"Oh baby,

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