Expecting it All (Punishment Pit #7) - Livia Grant Page 0,28

two can reconnect. Believe me, you'll be pooped, but it really will help both of you to set aside times when you can turn over control to him again."

The women weren't aware that Violet and Mistress Martha had been listening in until the Domme piped in. "I'd listen to Mary, if I were you. She's been there, done that... times two."

Violet looked a bit piqued. "Grey and I have been talking about maybe starting our family, but now I'm not so sure."

Rachel's heart swelled with love. "Oh, it's so worth it. Just wait until you hold your baby for the first time, and your heart melts."

Martha interrupted them with a loud, "Shush. Tiffany is about to open the gift I brought. We need to watch the fireworks that are about to go off."

Rachel had known the older Domme for many years and, quite frankly, Martha scared the bejesus out of her. She was one hard-nosed Domme, which made the current giddy look on her face all the more extraordinary.

Tiffany's embarrassed squeal as she slammed shut the box she'd just opened drew their attention. Tiff's face turned fire engine red. Her mom and sisters, who were sitting near the bride, prompted her to show them the gift. Being the best friend that she was, Brianna whisked in to remove the offending package and hand Tiffany a new present to open. Unfortunately, Tiffany's family wouldn't be deterred.

Isabella, Tiffany's mom, stopped Brianna's departure with the box in question. "Come now, Brianna. We aren't prudes. I've seen that handsome man Tiff is marrying. Nothing will shock me."

Tiffany interjected, "Don't be so sure, Mom. You'll flip out."

Tiff's sisters were the next to gang up on Brianna, who was still trying to escape with the offending present. "Oh, come on! We want to see. It can't be that bad."

With a last glance of defeat, Brianna allowed Tiffany's sisters to pull the box down between them, where they proceeded to open it slowly, as if a goblin would jump out at them. When they looked up, Rachel could tell they had no clue what was inside the box, which made it all seem an even bigger mystery. They silently passed the box to their mother, who repeated the inspection. The gift passed down the line of family until Lukus's own mother and twenty-two-year-old sister, Zoie, had viewed the contents. All of them came up with a blank stare.

It was comical to watch from afar as Tiffany finally leaned in to whisper to those closest to her. An animated whoop went up from the family table at the front of the restaurant. Even from a distance, Rachel could see the shocked and embarrassed looks on their faces.

"Okay, spill it. What did you get her?" Mary nudged the Domme.

Mistress Martha grinned. "A six-pack of graduating hand-blown glass butt-plugs, with a big note pointing out the one I expect Tiffany to be wearing at her wedding as she walks down the aisle."

Rachel, Mary and Violet burst out laughing, while Martha blew a big kiss across the restaurant towards Tiffany, who smiled mischievously.

Martha sighed. "A year ago, I would have bet my life there wasn't a woman on the planet worthy of Lukus Mitchell, but I'd have been wrong." As she watched Brianna and Tiffany interacting with their family at the front, Mistress Martha added, "I'm so thrilled for both Markus and Lukus that they found their other halves." She then, surprisingly, turned to Rachel to finish her thought, "And I'm delighted that Derek is now a father. Well, I couldn't be happier for you both."

Rachel beamed at the uncustomary praise from the crusty Domme.


The shower wrapped up forty-five minutes later, after cake and ice cream had been served. Rachel felt a bit like a fifth wheel as she watched the family and friends so close to Lukus and Tiffany congratulating the bride-to-be. She had to wait in line to say her goodbyes, behind Nora and Zoie Mitchell. By the time she made it to Tiffany most guests had left, leaving a small core group of friends behind.

Rachel offered, "Would you like me to help carry gifts to your car? You've got a lot of loot to get home."

Tiffany smiled. "That would be great. I got a text from Lukus that he's over at your house. I'm so jealous that he's getting to spend time with the baby."

Mary was nearby. "All the men are over there now. James felt left out after talking to them so he went over, too." She

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