Execution (Off Balance #2) - Lucia Franco Page 0,194

bed, but he surprised me by nudging my knees open to rest between my thighs.

I swallowed, taking his lips with mine. We fit seamlessly together. We'd never just kissed like this before, carnal yet slow, as if we were exploring each other's mouths, and I loved it. It was different. The most sensual yet emotional kiss, as if he was trying to tell me something through his kiss that his words could not express. I couldn't help but feel it in the pit of my stomach that something wasn't right, but I pushed the negative thoughts aside and gave him what he clearly was in need of…


He kissed me slow and deep, and so damn good.

But he needed more. I could sense the resolve in his lips.

Our bodies acted on their own harmony and wrapped around each other until there was no breathable space between us. The friction heated and soon we were both engulfed in the most passionate kiss we'd ever had. Our hands were everywhere, we couldn't get enough of touching each other. Kova carefully rested his weight on me, pinning me to the bed. He was heavy, but for whatever reason, I loved feeling his body hold me down. It was sexy and so very primal the way he covered his body over mine.

My hips widened, allowing him to nestle further into me as our mouths continued their assault on each other. He rolled his hips up and into mine, his knee slid under my thigh to get closer to me, and he pressed his erection into my sex. I was already wet and aching for this man. The man who had been there for me in more ways than anyone else this past year. A man who I owed so much more than just my gratitude.

Kova's fingers dug into the skin at my hips. He tugged on my panties and I lifted my hips for him to pull them off. I moved my palms to his waist and pulled on the material of his shirt to untuck it. Kova let out a low breath as I unbuttoned his shirt, my hands instantly going for his skin like they ached to touch just him. I could never grow tired of him and feeling his strength.

Breaking the kiss, he kept his lips to mine as he breathed into me. Our eyes locked onto each other's and my chest sank at the emotion shining in his.

Regret clouded Kova's entire face and I felt it in my gut he needed so much more than I could give him right now. I would try though, because he deserved no less from me.

My fingers immediately found his lips and I traced them, my eyes frantically scanned all around his face, trying to figure out why he was hurting so bad, what he was fighting inside his chest.

"Prosti," he said. "Prosti…"

"Kova…what's going on… Talk to me," I asked softly, worry etched in my words.

He shook his head and kissed me, then pulled back and sat on his knees and stared down. He removed his shirt as his gaze moved down my body. I sat up and placed my hands flat to his chest.

Kova didn't say a word. He just stared into my eyes, pleading, begging, but for what, I didn't know.

"Prosti," he said again, this time a little more broken.

Whatever he needed was his to take.

He placed his palms on my hips and skimmed higher, taking my shirt with him. Slowly, he pulled it over my head and my thick hair tumbled around my shoulders. He watched it fall, then cupped my neck, his fingers threading in my wavy locks as he slanted my face and kissed me like he did before.

There was no denying Kova was speaking to me through his kiss, through his body, through the hurt that he was going through. In this moment, I knew he needed me as much as I needed him.

I knew it. My heart knew it.

Tentatively, I reached for the buckle of his belt, then the button, and then I slowly unzipped his pants. Kova leaned into me and guided me gently onto my pillow. He drew back and stood, removing his pants and dropping them to the floor. Our eyes never leaving each other's, the connection too strong between us to break our gazes, as he climbed back into bed and crawled toward me.

"Pozhalyusta prosti, menya," he said that prosti word again and I started to wonder why he repeated it over and over

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