Execution (Off Balance #2) - Lucia Franco Page 0,193

from under my legs, but I didn’t let go.

"Don't leave yet," I whispered. I wasn't ready to let go.

"Ria, I have to go."

"Please?" My voice broke. "Just for another minute, stay with me."

"Ria," he urged, "I really must leave."

My throat tightened, and I nodded without saying anything. I couldn’t. My jaw trembled, hurting as I fought back my emotions. If I spoke, I'd cry.

Pulling back just enough, Kova looked down at me. He sat on the edge of my bed and brushed back my hair. His knuckles stroked my cheek and wiped away the lone tear that fell. His other hand found my hip and he pressed his fingers into my skin. I pulled my knee up and leaned into him. He took in my glossy eyes as I did his pensive ones. I knew he had to lie to Katja to come to me, and I wished he had a reason to stay the night. I really did, and if that made me a heartless person, then so be it. After the week I had, I needed him. I didn't care how selfish it sounded, I needed Kova to feel safe, to forget the world. He was all I needed to make the ache go away, because I knew deep down he cared about me, like I did for him.

Pressing a kiss to my forehead, he held it there for a long moment. I gripped his shirt in my fist, my hands shaking as I fought with him to stay with me. My breathing deepened, and I exhaled a shallow breath. My heart ached so bad, as if it were ready to break at any given moment. He pulled back and I cupped the side of his face, hoping he'd feel the plea in my touch.

"I will see you tomorrow, yes?" he asked.

I stared at his mouth and nodded. "Tomorrow," I said, just above a whisper.

Kova hovered above me, a few short inches from my mouth. He was so close I could feel his breath.

The beating of my heart picked up and I helped guide him closer until his lips were so close to touching mine.

"I need you Kova, I've never needed something so much in my life."

My hand skimmed the side of his jaw, down to his neck, and over his shoulder to rest on his firm, warm chest. Another tear fell, and he kissed it away, then dipped delicately enough to brush his lips over mine.

"I lost a little of myself this past week," I admitted so quietly. My heart was racing so fast.

"So did I, Ria… So did I."

My eyes shot to his and my heart broke hearing the truth in his whispered words. In those three little words, Kova said more than he’d ever had, and it concerned me deeply. Not once has he ever opened like he just did. Whatever was raging inside this beautiful man, he needed to get it out, and I wanted to help him.


I don't know who moved first but next thing I knew we were entangled in a passionate kiss.

I drew in a small breath and he surprised me by dipping a little further and softly pulling on my top lip with both of his. I angled my jaw up, giving him what he wanted, but what he so desperately needed too. His fingers pressed deeper into my hip and my hand threaded the hair at his nape. Our mouths held steady, I could sense he was holding back. His lips trembled on mine, the beating of his heart pounded viciously against the palm of my hand.

This time, I opened my mouth a little bit and searched his, curious to see what he'd do. It didn't take more than two milliseconds for his tongue to seek mine.

My hand slid to the back of his neck so both my arms circled his shoulders, and I guided him to me while I took in his slow, sensual kiss. Kova's tongue swept around mine like a cozy fire stirring deep inside my stomach. He let out a soft, almost heartbreaking whimper, tugging the strings of my heart as he kissed me deep. This was a man who knew how to express his emotions through a kiss.

Leaning into him, our bodies pressed together. Kova's hand skimmed the side of my body, over my hip and up my ribs. His thumb moved around my bare breast beneath my shirt, then under my arm and behind my back. I moved to fit him on the

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