Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,79

don’t you dare.”

Will’s words were harsh, but he broke through my hysteria and I forced myself to try to slow my breathing down. The pain in my lungs was like hot steel vice clamping down on me, daring me to try to in hail, promising me more pain if I did. I felt an oxygen mask slipped over my face, as someone stroked my hair back off my face.

A low smooth voice, one I did not know spoke to me softly and reassuringly. “Corrine, I’m doctor Pratt. I’m here to help you. I won’t hurt you; we are going to get you better, now. Please try and be calm for me if you can.”

I could feel him take my hand and he counted out loud telling me to breath with him. I was amazed at how quickly I calmed down, the heart monitor slowed to a safer rate. I felt him lift my arm gently; he seemed to be looking it over. I didn’t care what he did at this point; I just wanted the pain to end.

“This will help with the pain; it will just sting for a second.” I felt the needle prick my skin, but it was nothing compared to the hell I had just went through. Pratt’s voice became muffled for a minute as the drug he had given me began to take effect.

“It’s a sedative; she will throw herself into cardiac arrest if she has another episode like that.” Pratt’s said in a hushed tone.

“My God”, Will gasped as I felt him take my hand again.

“It’s ok Will, Pratt has her under control.” Doc tried to reassure him, as he squeezed my hand nervously.

I could feel myself moved, blood taken from me as I assumed the examination had begun. I was basically out of it, so none of it hurt. I knew it was all something that had to be done, so Pratt could figure out how to help me. I really wanted to sleep though, each time I drifted off, I was moved.

“Well Pratt, what do you think?” Doc asked. I could hear chairs scooted as they all sat down.

“She’s weak, very weak and that’s no doubt caused by the cancer, that’s still active in her body. It concerns me very much, as she is weaker than Emma was. A war is what is going on in her body. The cancer’s trying to take over, and so is the venom, they are clashing with each other.” I could hear Pratt take a deep breath. “She is stalled out in a mid transitional phase, it’s extremely serious. If we can keep her alive and push her body over to complete the change, she will become a half blood like Emma and William. I am just concerned her system may not be strong enough to hold up that long.”

“If?” was all Will said, his voice barley a whisper.

“I still need to review her blood work, which will not take me long Will, I promise.”

“Feel free to use my lab and my office Pratt, just make yourself at home old friend.” They both laughed at the “old” remark as none of them barley looked a day over thirty-five. I heard Doc and Pratt leave my room, Doc was sure to tell Will to try to let me sleep as long as possible.

I could feel Will at my side even with my eyes closed. He had some kind of magnetic pull on me, and both of use could usually sense where the other one was. I probably would never understand it, and really, I didn’t want to, it was strong and it was real and that’s all that mattered to me. I turned over to face Will, feeling good for once due to whatever Pratt had given me, just a bit light headed and groggy.

“I’m sorry you had to go through all this love.” Will said softly, as he stroked my hair back off my cheek.

“It’s ok don't be sorry, this has to be done William it didn’t hurt at all anyway, whatever they did. Pratt seems like a really nice guy, and smart too, between him and Doc they should figure it out… I think.” I smiled up at Will, who seemed to be analyzing me. “I’m not giving up ok; you’re not getting rid of me so easily!” I laughed softly, trying to make him relax.

“I just can’t bear the thought of losing you, that’s all.” He sighed as he bent over and kissed my forehead.

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