Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,80

“I just can’t help but think if that night at the Halloween party would never have happened you wouldn’t be here like this now, fighting for your life. I should never have let them tell me you would be ok, from letting me take your blood. I should have known you were too weak!”

“Stop it Will, did you forget I was sick before the party? I was already dying and according to Doc, I would probably be nearing death right now, with or without the Halloween party incident! My fate was already sealed at the hospital after the stupid brain scan came back showing the tumor. I would probably be bald right now, and weigh like fifty pounds and be on life support!

I have a chance now Will, even with all the pain. I have a last chance to beat this and stay with you. I don’t care how much pain I have to go through as long as it means we can have our future together, I love you, and we will make it through this!”

I could see Will was overcome by emotions; he often tried to hide that. He quickly wiped a stray tear out of the corner of his eye as he took a deep breath looking away.

“Pratt has to make this work, without you, I just can’t even think of being here. You are everything to me. I have waited my whole life just to find you and I can’t lose you now or ever!”

“Will, I will beat this. I refuse to go, and I will not leave you!” I lay my head onto his shoulder and he rubbed my back, we sat in peaceful silence for a long time, watching the snowfall.

It seemed like forever before Doc and Pratt got back to my room after looking over my blood work and lord knows what else. I was feeling drained when they came back in, engrossed in a conversation, flooded with medical terminology. William got up and greeted them, and told them I had been stable while they were gone, just sleeping mainly.

Will began to ask a million questions, and Doc told him to wait and let Pratt explain what they had learned. I heard chairs pulled out as they all sat around a small table in the corner of the room, papers were spread out all over its marble top. Pratt’s expression was serious as he was reading a paper he had in his hand.

The mood in the room was tense as Pratt prepared to explain what he had discovered after my exam. Pratt smoothed back his wavy brown hair, he looked much the same age as Doc did, and they could have been brothers. He had the same brilliant green eyes, and perfect facial features as many of the vampires. He seemed to be slightly shorter than Doc was.

“I’ve studied this phenomenon for years, and it always seems to find a way to amaze me. I’ve researched the conflict of venom and the human system in great detail. As I’ve said, Corrine basically has a war going on in her body.” I groaned loud enough for them to hear me.

“You’re telling me?” I said as I pulled the blanket up next to my face.

“Yes, I know Corrine it is difficult, but as it is a war of sorts we have to get one side to call a truce somehow. One side has to surrender or pardon me for being blunt, but if not it will be a battle to the… death. We have to figure a way to get either the venom to stop or the cancer. Or Corrine will pay the price.”

“What’s our course of action then Pratt?” Doc asked, his face serious.

“That’s the tricky part; rest of course is a must and no stress of any kind. We cannot halt the venom; all of us here know that. Vampire venom is highly concentrated and nearly impossible to contain. This leaves us with only one option; we must stop the cancer, and heal what’s left of her human cells, and let the venom complete the change.”

“Pratt, you know there is no cure for cancer, my god we would have cured her to start with when I diagnosed her over the summer.” Doc said, his voice shocked at Pratt’s un realistic treatment plan.

“I know…I know, calm down I’m well aware of this I spent all those years in the rain forest looking for a cure to the damn disease. The thing I’m trying to

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