Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,78

to bite into an apple.

“Nothing, just thinking.” I smirked.

“About what?”

“Paper bags.” I grinned wickedly.

“Why on earth are you thinking of that?” He looked confused.

“Never mind.” I sighed; I was amused at the confused look on his face. He always wanted to know exactly what was going on, it irritated him when he didn’t. Doc chuckled at us as he flipped through my charts. I had forgotten Doc could read my mind…I blushed.

“Well kids Pratt will be here in two hours. His plane landed one hour ago and Roth’s taking the Hummer to pick him up due to all this snow and ice. I think he and Emma will only be an hour later than we actually expected them.”

“Corrine’s doing better; maybe she won’t need anything more if she keeps doing so well.” Will announced. I could tell he was worried about what Pratt was going to do to me. Honestly, so was I.

“Yes, she is doing well right now, but she’s on a high dose of pain meds. I can’t keep her on them much longer, or they will damage her system. Her heart rate is getting even faster and her blood pressure is unstable, so we must take action.”

“I was hoping Pratt wouldn’t have to do anything to her, it just worries me not knowing what’s going to happen.” Will said in a low voice.

“I understand Will; we all care about Corrine and don’t want to do anything drastic. I smiled at them, it felt good to know the coven members all felt I belonged, and wanted me here even though I was still basically human and not a vampire. I just hoped this Dr. Pratt could perform a miracle for me, and save my life. We all sat and waited for Roth’s Hummer to come barreling down the snow covered drive, with the man who was going to try to keep me alive.

Chapter 8

Dr.Pratt’s Arrival

Doc was busy preparing his charts for Dr. Pratt to review as we waited. The feeling in the air was tense and laced with much anticipation, over the doctors arrival.

“I want to stay while he examines her, is that ok Doc?” Will asked hesitantly.

“Yes, that’s fine he will not mind, but you don’t have to guard her. He is one of the best medical minds in the country. Pratt can be trusted to do everything in his power to get Corrine through this Will, you don’t need to worry.”

Will nodded as he sat down and flipped on the TV again. Doc looked at his watch. “I have to go down to my office for a second, and grab some things then make a few phone calls. Pratt will be here shortly, and I will bring him on up right away.”

Doc proceeded to tell me to get some rest, as Pratt would have to do some tests on me. Will grimaced at the fact, as he hated anyone doing anything to me that might cause me more pain. I tried to rest and ignore the fact that I had no idea what the next day or so would hold for me. I had been lucky the last few hours as the pain meds Doc had been giving me were working.

I drifted in and out of sleep again thankful to be getting any at all. I heard voices on and off, people coming in and out of the room. I turned over and could see William, dozing off in the love seat next to my bed. I was about to try and sit up, when it felt suddenly like the room was 120 degrees. I could feel the old gut wrenching feeling in my chest, and I knew the break I had been getting from the pain was now over.

I gasped and hung my head down trying not to panic. I tried to do the Lamaze breathing, like I had seen on that TLC show, A Baby Story. I felt stupid but I was trying to hold it together here. I slowly opened my eyes, and the room appeared empty, I felt scared that William had left me alone. I looked at my heart monitor and it was going crazy, I gripped the sheets. It felt like my heart was going a million miles an hour; this was probably it for me.

“Corrine… Corrine” Will’s voice was in my ear suddenly, he wrapped his arms around me so I wouldn’t fall over. “Breath love, breath damn it now Pratt just got here, don’t you die on me,

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