Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,73

and put her in the local hospital is all I was thinking!” I could hear her tap her fake nails on the dresser, she always did that when she was mad.

“They can’t help her there or Dr.Parker would not have had her admitted here. That is his home hospital Sara. His practice is based from there. I trust Doc, he’s a sharp well-educated man, and if he thinks Corrine needs to be here, she will stay here, even if I go bankrupt to do it. She is all I have left of her mother. I promised her on her death bed I would care and protect Corrine and see to it she grew up into a strong healthy young woman.”

“You keep your promises to your deceased wife? But exclude me? Well that’s nice!” Sara was fuming now.

“I kept my promises to you; you’re the one who changed. I swear I don’t even know who you are now, and I’m not too sure I want to try to figure it out either. Doc will be back soon, so we will speak no more of this, it’s not the right place or time Sara.”

I pretended to have just woken up, and not have heard the Jerry Springer show conversation they just had. I was proud of dad though, he didn’t let Sara run over him like he always used to do. He seemed to be seeing the woman, she really was.

“Oh you guys are back?” I faked a stretch and yawn.

“Yes we had a very good meeting with Doc, we all agree you being here is the best thing to do right now. “

“I really have been feeling better, and maybe next week they will let me try walking around some. I’m so ready to get back to the real world, and school. I’m calling some of my professors later this week. I want to see how many credits I have for this year.”

“I’m glad to hear that Corrine that would be wonderful to get you well and back to school and around all your friends again. Doc feels you will be able to come home for Thanksgiving at least for a few days anyway!” Dad smiled, as his words made him happy.

“John should you be telling her that?” Sara whispered in his ear.

“Why of course, Doc said she will be strong enough by then if all goes well!” I listened to them bicker again for 15 minutes before they realized what they were doing. It was nearing time for them to go, as their flight back to Cambridge left in an hour. Dad hugged and kissed me, and all the while, I fought another attack of pain building in my chest. They said their goodbyes and promised to call, as the door shut I gasped in pain, and doubled over. Doc came running in followed by William, Lydia and Libby.

“Corrine!” Will said as calmly as he could, gently putting his arm around me. “Are you ok? Where does it hurt?”

“My chest, it’s so bad!” Tears slid down my cheeks as the pain froze my body. Doc prepared a syringe; the pump was not strong enough I heard him tell the others. I could have cared less what he gave me as long as it stopped the pain before I died. I didn’t even feel the needle go in my arm, but the relief from whatever it was, was heaven sent for me.

“It’s the changing process it’s trying to start again, and complete itself. The venom will keep trying till it either turns her, or...” He paused, reluctant to finish the sentence. I looked up at him. “It sends her into cardiac arrest; this is getting beyond anything I have seen. I’m so sorry Corrine. I want to stop all this pain for you. I’ve called Dr. Charles Pratt; he’s one of my closest friends and a fellow doctor. I have great confidence in him he’s a brilliant doctor and has done decades of research on vampire changing’s not to mention other things. He is flying in from France this afternoon, with his wife Emma. You remember him William, I’m sure.”

Lydia smiled. “Yes, he and Emma are lovely, we stayed with them a few years ago, remember Will?” Lydia asked. Will seemed in shock but nodded and acknowledged her question.

“I have known Pratt for century’s we worked together on many projects and studies. I have spoken to him in great detail and he feels he may have the remedy to help Corrine.

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