Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,72

much really. I just take it a day at a time.” I smiled nervously.

A knock on the door saved me from any more questions about returning home. Doc walked in, as confident and in control as ever, dressed in the traditional white doctor’s coat. He smiled at dad and Sara as he looked over to me and nodded. He was definitely cool under pressure.

“Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore, so good to see you here today we have been waiting for you.” He said shaking my dad’s hand and nodding to Sara.

“Good to see you again Dr. Parker, we have been looking forward to visiting for awhile now.” I could hear an edge in dad’s voice. He was still annoyed that he had to wait so long to come and see me.

“Yes, I apologize for the delay Mr. Whitmore, but with many of these new treatments we like to keep the patient in a sterile environment and cannot risk outside infections. The common cold for example, well it could destroy all our progress with Corrine, so we are a bit strict on visitors.”

“Oh… well I understand. I would never want to jeopardize Corrine’s recovery in anyway. I just can’t thank you enough for overseeing her care. You and the staff here have worked wonders for my daughter.” Dad squeezed my hand and smiled as he spoke.

“We do our best. This is a new clinic and we are still laying the ground rules and such, but we are pleased with the progress of the few patients we do have so far.” Doc opened my chart and adjusted his glasses (which he did not need, they were only props to make him appear older). He began to give dad the medical report on me. It would make them happy and buy us more time to figure out my real situation.

“If you would please step into my office, we can discuss Corrine’s treatment plan in more detail, and let her rest some.” Doc opened the door to my room, not really giving them an option even though he just asked them to go to his office.

“Very well, I do have some questions for you.” Dad said as he kissed my cheek. “Be back to see you after the meeting sweetie, ok?”

“Sure dad, I’m just going to hang out here.” I smiled and grabbed my cell phone, acting as if I was going to call some friends, which I was not.

I was tired now, and glad I didn’t have to listen to the medical bologna Doc was going to be feeding them. I was happy to see dad but was so worried he would get suspicious of the clinic and my “treatments”. I closed my eyes and tried to take a short nap before they got back.

I wanted to see William so badly, but I knew he had to wait to come down and see me. I was almost asleep when they came back from Doc’s office. I pretended to be asleep, as they became quiet when they saw my eyes closed. I could tell they were arguing about something, no doubt related to me.

“Well I can’t imagine what this miracle treatment is. I think this place is just too good to be true.” Sara complained. I was glad Doc wasn’t with them.

“Sara, Corrine’s thriving here. Dr. Parker’s confident she will be able to come home for Thanksgiving if she has no more setbacks. I’m not moving her now. He told us it was too dangerous and I’m not going against what he says. I will not chance her recovery because you think this place costs too much. Why you worry about money I will never understand anyway!” Dad snapped as Sara was getting under his skin as usual.

“It’s insane John, they charge an arm and a leg here. They have satin bed sheets, in a hospital! That is crazy! I saw the insurance reports the other day. I’m only thinking of you dear, you work so hard for what we have.” Dad blew out loudly.

“Sara, you are not thinking of me. You are thinking of the addition you want on the kitchen you do not use, or that new silver BMW at Pillions dealership you’ve been eying. Dare I forget your next fur coat from Niemen’s! Don’t lie to me. Corrine’s never been high on your priority list and never will be, so save your breath and my nerves.”

“You are wrong about that. I just do not like this place, we should take Corrine home,

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