Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,71

sent there after Todd’s last attack, when the doctors thought I might become a vegetable for life.

Libby stayed in the room with me. She adjusted my IV lines silently, and she sat back down watching me. If she saw I was having trouble, I would sniff once and she would move dad and Sara on for a tour of the “clinic”.

“Mr. Whitmore, Dr.Parker will be in to speak with you shortly they are currently on rounds.” I smiled at Libby, she was so professional.

Dad and Sara never suspected a thing as they waited. The years she spent as a nurse in Florida helped her now, as she dealt with patients family’s all the time. I wasn’t feeling too bad. I was feeling pretty confident the visit would go smoothly. I hoped Doc wouldn’t take too long though, I was running out of things to say. I was really hoping Sara wouldn’t have come. Dad made small talk and asked how the food was and if I had met any of the other patients and so on.

I nearly choked when a wheel chair occupied by one sneaky vampire named Taylor came into my room. He was being pushed by none other than Roth, dressed as a nurse’s aid. It was all I could do not to break out laughing, as I looked at Taylor in a hospital gown and blue robe.

Roth looked so funny in scrubs. He had a wicked grin on his face as he winked at me, his green eyes sparkling, he knew I was about to lose it. Libby quickly turned to look at my chart covering her mouth to hide a laugh. After she pulled it together, she turned around and resumed her professional attitude. I knew it was hard for her, with those tow jokers around.

“Mr. Roth, Ms. Whitmore has guests right now. Taylor will need to come back later to visit please.”

“Oh I’m sorry. Taylor here just wanted to stop in and say hello to Corrine for a second if that’s ok?” Roth said calmly.

“Hi Corrine, how are you today?” Taylor smiled innocently at me.

“Uh… I’m good, glad you stopped by Taylor, are your parents visiting today too?” I couldn’t think of anything else to say on the spot.

“Yeah they will be here later.” Libby gave him a quick dirty look. “Well I better go. I have therapy in a few minutes, see you later.” He smiled and waved as Roth pushed him out the door. I was so going to kill those two later, what a bunch of dorks they were. I had to admit they did a good acting job, dad and Sara never suspected a thing.

“Well then, have a good day you two.” Libby quickly ushered them out, and seemed relieved to see them go. I figured they would hear it from her too, later on.

“Well it seems you have some admirers here Corrine.” Sara said as she watched Roth’s butt as he wheeled Taylor out the door. I couldn’t believe she was doing that right in front of my dad. I looked at him but he was watching a news blurb on TV as CNN was on. “Has William been to see you at all here, or are you two broken up?” I couldn’t believe she was asking me this after I nearly died and was suppose to be trying to beat cancer. I should have expected it from her.

“Sara really.” Dad hissed. “That’s not why we’re here, to ask personal questions, that’s between those two.” Dad snapped giving her a dirty look shaking his head.

“Well… I just figured that when things got difficult, he might not stick around to support Corrine. I didn’t want to see that happen to her.” I so wanted to tell her he was just upstairs and never left my side, and never would.

“He calls me every day so things are fine, and I’m not into that Taylor guy either, he’s just a friend to me here.”

“Well then ladies enough of that.” Dad shook his head. “So Corrine any idea how long Dr.Parker plans to keep you here?” Dad asks, as he hold’s my hand. I tried not to give Sara the evil eye. “I’d love to have you home for Thanksgiving at least. It’s not right for you to be all the way up here during the holidays. If you are doing so much better, perhaps Doc will let you come home for a few days?”

“We will have to ask. I haven’t thought about it

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