Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,74

I have complete confidence in him and would trust him with my own life.”

“Are you sure he knows what he’s doing? I won’t allow you to experiment on her!’ Will snapped.

“William, I would never allow that. I would never jeopardize Corrine’s life. She is of our coven now, and one of us, we will see her through this.”

Chapter 5

Going down hill

I slept fitfully waves of pain wracked my body. The painkiller Doc was giving me was having less effect on me now. I was trapped in hell or at least it sure seemed like it. I figured this had to be pretty darn close. William held my weak shaking body as I tried to keep breathing through each progressively worse pain episode. I would collapse like a rag doll, into his arms after each spell. I gave up trying to talk now.

Will sat next to me holding a cup of ice water to my dry lips, as I tried to drink. He would wrap me in blankets when I had chills and turn on the fan Doc had brought in when I was burning up. This was like the flu but one hundred times worse, it wouldn’t go away and it was getting worse with each hour.

I slept for a few hours after a double dose of pain medication. I woke hours later and I learned Dr.Pratt or “Pratt” as the coven called him would be here later than planned, due to bad weather. The flight he was on had a two-hour delay and the snow was getting heavier. Maine and the whole east coast were getting pounded by a huge blizzard.

I watched the snow falling outside my window late that night. The clock on the nightstand said one a.m. The heavy wet snow coated the trees outside; the house was in the middle of a thick woods, so it looked like a fairy tale scene to me. It was all a fairy tale here, except the part where I was dying.

I looked at Will, he was asleep, although he required less sleep than a human did he still needed a few hours. It did seem like he had been sleeping more than usual though. The last few days he sat with me, nonstop keeping watch over me. I figured he was worn out from that. He was curled up now next to me, one arm around my waist. I was deep in thought and thankful to be pain free for a while.

“Are you ok?” He asked as he gently pushed a lock of hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

“Sort of, just thinking about stuff and watching the snow fall.” I laid my head back onto his shoulder.

“Sorry I dozed off.”

“Don’t be you haven’t slept in days.” I smiled at him always amazed by his perfect face.

“Can I get you anything at all, are you thirsty or hungry?” concern filled his eyes.

“No I’m ok. I just wish I was stronger, and that I could have just changed like I was supposed to do. I hate to bring all this on the coven; making fake cancer treatment centers and having humans visit and nose around. I hate that everyone had to set all that up just for me, I feel like a big jerk!”

“Corrine don’t be crazy, you’re a member of his coven now, we protect our own, and you are one of us. The coven is a family unit. You should never feel that you’re putting anyone out; they would do the same for any member that had some sort of difficulty. They all love you anyway; you are very well liked here and trusted.”

He smiles at me, making my heart do a flip as usual, even though we had been together for a year almost, the feelings we had were still intense and strong for each other. That’s how I knew we were soul mates and that everything Will said was true. If he said the coven cared about me, I knew it was true. I trusted him, completely.

“Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better I just hope we can figure out how to get me to change completely soon!”

“Yes I wish that too,” he said softly to me kissing the top of my head. I drifted off to sleep again after we watched the big fluffy snowflakes falling into the night sky.

Chapter 6

“William’s Point of View”

I watched her sleep, knowing this peace she had right now would soon end. The medication would

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