Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,6

is on my face waiting to hear her voice.

“Hi Corrine, how are ya?” Her voice sounds tense. I start to worry. Kara is never tense she’s very comical.

“Doctor Mott said I was okay to go out now. My temp’s gone and my blood pressure’s finally normal.” The silence was freaking me out by now it was weird. I wondered what was going on with her.

“Todd got out of jail this morning,” she said softly. I gasped in shock. I felt my stomach flip. I could not speak; it’s too hard to believe. “His dad got some scumbag lawyer to get him out and on house arrest.” I cover my mouth, dropping the phone as I run to the bathroom to throw up. Todd was out and I knew that no stupid plastic bracelet was going to keep him from coming for me. I felt so sick as I clung to the toilet seat. I could hear Kara yelling for me from my phone next to my leg.

“I’m okay just sick.” I whisper in the phone as I pick it up with shaking hands.

“I thought your dad was pressing charges against him?” I take a deep breath trying not to get sick again.

“Yes he is but, I haven’t been keeping up with it. I know my lawyer is trying to get Todd prison time but I try to forget it all if I can.”

“I don’t blame you. I would too.” She agrees with me.

“I gotta go Kara. I need a minute to settle down.” I fight back the tears creeping down my cheeks and the urge to vomit again.

“Okay, well call me later or I will call you.” I snap the phone closed, as a knock on my door makes me jump. I close my eyes trying to get a grip on myself.

“Can I come in, sweetie?” I take another deep breath hearing my father’s voice. “Okay Dad, its fine.” He walks in slowly. I know what he is going to tell me already.

“I… take it you’ve heard?” He sees the tears on my cheeks. I nod hugging my pillow. “I got a call from Blake (our family lawyer) and he told me Todd William’s lawyer, got the judge to give him house arrest on a temporary basis. They are having trouble charging him for the use of date rape drugs. They have to get your paper work from the hospital lab still.” He sits down on my bed and takes my hand. “I don’t know how that piece of crap lawyer his father has, got it all done.” I can’t speak. I just squeeze my pillow, my head spinning. “I will make sure he gets locked back up, honey.” He leans over and kisses my forehead. “You’re safe okay, he won’t get near you bug.” I smiled as he uses my childhood nickname. I spent one summer hunting ladybugs when I was five. He had called me his bug ever since.

“Blake filed a restraining order on Todd and put in for a hearing to stop the house arrest as soon as possible.” I knew he was trying to ease my fears but I knew Todd was pissed at me. I had heard he was telling his friends I was going to pay for screwing up his life.

“Dad, he… wants to kill me.” I said softly.

“I… I know he does.” He quickly replied holding my hand tighter. I look up at him as he takes a deep breath. “I would never allow him to harm you bug. I promise.” He hugs me. I bury my head in his shoulder; he smells of cigars and cologne. “I have hired extra security on the estate and two guards at the front gates. That animal will never get near you again.” I sigh, trying to accept his assurance of my safety but it’s not working.

“Ok Dad. I won’t worry.” I force a fake smile as he heads for the door.

“I have a meeting in town, but Gram is here, and the security guards.” He smiles warmly at me. “You get some rest now.”

“Ok.” I whisper as he leaves the room. Fear grips me as he closes the door another panic attack creeps up on me.

I collapse on my bed, my cell phone buzzing. I’m too sick to answer it. I didn’t have the strength to talk to anyone. I scavenge my nightstand for my anti-anxiety pills. I hate to take them but it’s that or freak out more. I know my parents will probably

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