Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,5

to be pumped out. Todd had put three date rape drugs in my Coke. He nearly killed me with that overdose. I was only thirty minutes from death the doctors told me. Kara told me David and some of the other football players beat the crap out of Todd, for what he did to me before the cops got there. He also had to make a stop at the emergency room before going to the county jail thanks to David and his friends.

I was glad to hear that. I felt like hell when the doctors told me I also had mono or mononucleosis. Thanks to Todd who had passed it on to me a week before the attack. Todd had been seeing three other girls in the freshman class and they all had it too. I couldn’t think of being any worse off than I was now. I was so wrong about that.

So now, I sit here at home still mentally bruised. I have therapy twice a week for being attacked and nearly raped. I have nightmares and severe panic attacks. I’m terrified of people I don’t know and don’t like to go out of the house. I also don’t trust anybody, especially guys. I do not ever plan to date again. I can’t even think about it. I’m doomed to a life alone until I can try to get my life back, if that’s even possible. I thought I would get over it but it’s been months since the attack and I haven’t.

I knew I’d better get ready to see Doctor Mott for his monthly visit. I take a deep breath and wipe the tears from my eyes, from my flash back. I try to be nice as I follow him into my dad’s office not but ten minutes later. Dad’s office is more like a big living room with leather couches and a big screen TV, set to the stock market report 24/7. My dad is busy on the phone as he waves us in.

Doctor Mott has brought his student nurse with him. She is a short, chubby girl my age, with bad acne. I can feel her eyes staring at me. I know she’s probably trying to figure out what kind of freak I am that I have to have a check-up at home. I try to ignore her has I watch Doctor Mott get out his charts and blood pressure cuff, followed by his stethoscope.

The nurse checks my blood pressure as my dad talks to the doctor. I can tell they obviously don’t want me to hear as they turn away from me. I smile weakly at the girl. God, this sucks, I think to myself as Doctor Mott checks my temperature and listens to my heart. He seems to be studying my face and movements. I feel like a lab rat.

“How’s my girl, Mott?” My father smiles, looking at me and winking. His deep blue eyes are exactly like mine and his sandy blond hair is neatly parted to the side.

“Very good John. She can go out now and drive in a week. I won’t need to see her for a month or so now. I do recommend more rest and maybe some fresh air.”

“Thank God,” I sigh, watching them talk about me like I am not in the room. I quickly excuse myself. Acne nurse is starting to freak me out. She keeps smiling at me as if I’m mentally impaired or something. I go back up to my room and curl up on my bed, flick on my TV and try to forget how pitifully Doctor Mott and his sidekick looked at me. I’m starting to worry everyone thinks I’m a freak. I start to wonder if maybe I am. I flop back into my pile of pink ruffled pillows and try to bury myself.

I jump up though, as my cell phone buzzes on my nightstand. I check the caller ID to see who is calling me, hoping it’s not my stupid stepmother. I sigh with relief as I see it’s my best friend since first grade, Kara. She has been my lifeline to the outside world. I cannot wait to talk to her every day. I’m hoping we can get together and go see a movie or have lunch, if I can even work up the nerve to go out. I need to get out of the house soon or I might lose what is left of my mind.

“Hi Kara.” A smile

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