Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,4

head, as Todd’s voice filled my mind.

“Let’s sit for a while till you feel better and I’ll take care of you.” He said to me. I felt a little better until he started trying to kiss me and when I said I was too sick he said that was too bad

“I need to go home!” I remembered clearly telling him as my stomach flipped over. He only laughed at me.

“You look so hot tonight.” He purred in my ear and I scooted away. He was pushing me to the ground in that next second and I knew right then. I was in major trouble.

“I’m sick, Todd. I need to go home now please.” I kept telling him this over and over. He grabbed my arms as I tried to push him away from me. I felt a rush of panic now.

“No… babe. It’s okay, it will wear off soon it’s not lethal it’s just to loosen you up a little..you know have some fun. They…they told me that. I’ve used it before anyway…with…well never mind.” He stared at me and he looked a little scared for a few brief seconds.

I didn’t understand what he meant by that. I knew he had done something to me already and it was something bad. I was trying to get through to him that I was sick, but he just didn’t get it. The look in his eyes terrified me. This was not the Todd I knew; this man was crazy. I felt his fingers dig into my arms suddenly as he pushed me down. He slapped me hard across the face without warning. I started crying and the next thing I remember he grabbed me by the hair and slammed my head onto the ground.

I felt pain rip across my head as I fought to stay conscious. I came too quickly, fearing what he might do. I knew I had to get up. I made myself keep my eyes open fighting the darkness trying not to pass out. I could feel Todd pinning me down. My arms seemed to fell heavier and heavier and my legs were like lead weights. Everything was spinning when I looked up, as if I was a child at play on a merry go round. This was no child’s game now, Todd Downs was determined to hurt or maybe even kill me.

I drop what is left of my donut as everything comes flooding back into my mind. I put my head on the arm of the couch trying not to cry. I remember begging him to stop, telling him no, over and over. I tried to scream but my voice seemed to be caught in my throat. In the self-defense classes I took with Beth and Kara they always told us to scream the word “no”. They never told us what to do when we couldn’t scream…I wished they had.

Todd didn’t seem to hear me or he just didn’t care when I pleaded with him to stop. I remember I could still think despite the heavy fog my mind was in. I had to fight. I was not letting that idiot hurt me. I managed to pull up my knee and shove him back. My foot caught his cheek hard. He sat back for a second, dazed. I knew it was about to get worse, when he wiped the mud off his face and just laughed.

“Give up, you stupid hag. That’s all you are, good for one thing.” He crawled back to me, his face in mine. I could smell the beer on his hot breath. “You fight me and I’ll make you wish you weren’t born!”

“No.” I screamed or I think I was screaming at that time. My mouth opened but I didn’t hear anything come out, my body wasn’t my own. I felt like I was floating. My head was spinning. I reached up and scratched his face, which didn’t faze him at all. I could taste blood on my lips, as he started pulling at my clothes. I was too weak to fight; when I heard voices it was Kara and David. David yanked Todd off me throwing him down hard. He was yelling at him that’s the last thing I heard, as Kara knelt down and took my hand.

I woke up three days later in the hospital. I had a concussion, stitches in the back of my head, and two broken ribs not to mention bruises all over. I also learned my stomach had

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