Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,36

number on a piece of paper for her.

Gran sat silently for a few minutes, thinking about all that had happened. She looked over to Will still kneeling at her side. “Thank you for coming into her life. She so desperately needed you always watch over her. I know you can. You will be able to protect her, her whole life or whatever road she chooses to follow, you will do what’s best for her. I know this.”

“I will, Gran. I will never abandon her.” He kissed her cheek gently. “Can I get you anything? Are you going to be okay?”

“Oh no dear, it’s just been a tiring day. Ah to be young like you again.” She winked playfully at him. “Or immortal! Now that’s the ticket, hey?” She nudged him in the side.

“Well it is handy sometimes.” He laughed as he headed for the door and back to Corrine.

“Remember; call me if you learn anything more.” Gran nodded, waving goodbye to him.

“I will not forget, see you soon, dear boy.” Will gently closed the door and quickly went back to Corrine.

The room was silent as he walked in; Corrine was curled up on the couch asleep again. Will knelt down next to the couch and gently pushed the hair away from her face, smiling at her angelic profile.

“My love, you sleep, but your beauty never rests. You capture me to the depths of my soul,” he whispered as he kissed her cheek. Will was not surprised she didn’t wake at his touch, as of late she had been going off to sleep like this at the drop of hat.

He sat there thinking of what Gran had told him. All he could think of was Todd Downs. He could be the only one who wanted to hurt Corrine. Todd had been to county lock-up five times since he was put on house arrest. Will had been sure to monitor him whenever he could.

Corrine’s father had used his influence in society and his massive bank account to have Todd watched by the local police day and night. Will decided to make plans to have Todd watched even closer now. Roth, Will’s closest cousin, had been helping him. Things had changed and now he would involve his other cousins who had begged Will to let them go old school on Todd. Old school in vampire terminology meant to bite someone and drain their blood, thus killing them.

Will didn’t want any of them to violate the coven rule of never killing humans and get in trouble with Doc. The truth was, if anyone was going to go old school on Todd Downs it was going to be himself. It was all Will could do not to kill him. He fought every instinct he had as a natural born killer and hunter to keep from ripping into the man who hurt his beloved Corrine.

Will frowned as he watched Corrine sleep. It bothered him to no end that something was wrong with her. The many times he asked if she was feeling okay or having any problems she either ignored him or acted like he was crazy to ask . Will decided he needed to have a talk with Doc and get her in to see him for a check-up. He just wanted to make sure she was really ok.

Doc would know what was wrong just by looking into her eyes and touching her skin. This was a gift he had, to sense illness in humans and pain. This made him one of the most respected doctors in Massachusetts. Doc had attended her when she had the fall from her horse but only on a very limited basis. Doctor Mott, the Whitmore’s’ family doctor, was her main physician at that time.

Will decided he should do some looking around. He noticed Corrine’s deep sleep and took advantage of it. The long set of stairs in the old mansion were very steep as Will made his way back upstairs. Corrine’s room was next to Gran’s so he had to be extremely quiet, as he turned the doorknob slowly. The room was dimly lit, only a small pink night light lamp with a pink shade gave off light. Will went to her nightstand, looking at the stacks of books. He smiled knowing how she loved to read. A picture of himself and Corrine hugging was in a silver frame. There was a tissue box and her cell phone next to it. Will sighed. He saw nothing unusual, then he

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