Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,35

I am an old woman, child. I have seen many things in my lifetime, and I have been told a great deal by my ancestors. Stories have been passed down for generations by my tribe.

“Gran please, let me try to explain….” She quickly held one finger up to her lips to hush him from speaking. He did.

“No need. I have known many of your kind for years, as did my ancestors. I know very well of the two coven groups that exist. I know you are from the light coven. I also know your parents very well, and you’re Grandfather too. I have faith and trust in the light coven, they have been honorable in the past and still are today. I trust you do not waver in the rules of your own coven. Is that right William, for Corrine’s sake?”

“Of course…. I follow; yes. I would never ever hurt her in any way.” William was watching her warily. She could throw him out of the house on his butt, because of what he was. She could destroy the heavily guarded secret lives of his family and their coven, but he knew she trusted them.

“That is good. Corrine needs one like you to protect her, and love her. A mere mortal man could not love her with the power you do, that I know. I have heard of relationships such as yours.” She nodded and took a deep breath. “You both may have very tough choices to make someday, but your love for one another will keep you both safe. I have spoken to your mother Lydia. She worries about you and Corrine, but she will be accepting once she meets her. I also spoke to that old grandfather of yours—Doc. He is as ornery as ever.” She grinned and shook her head. “He has been a dear friend to me for a very long time; he already adores Corrine, just from seeing her in the hospital.”

William was in shock and relieved all at once; it felt like a big relief to have Gran on his side. The realization she had known of his kind and she knew his own coven was amazing to him. Gran poured some tea into a dainty china cup and offered it to him. He watched her tiny frail wrinkled hands maneuver, in silence.

“I also know you are not a full-blooded vampire.” She glanced at the tea on the table. “Doc told me of the many human traits you have, so I know you do enjoy eating and drinking somewhat.” Will smiled as he took the cup carefully. “Be careful though, that’s an antique. I know you are extremely strong.” She laughed as he sipped the tea.

“Well not very much stronger than a human, but I guess you could call me an antique though.” He flashed a wicked grin and winked at her.

“Ahh yes. Lydia did say her only baby would be twenty this year, or rather twenty going on over 100!” Gram laughed as she patted Will’s knee.

“This will be something; my granddaughter’s boyfriend is older than me” She sighed, sitting back in the armchair still laughing with Will. Gram’s face got serious suddenly as something crossed her mind.

“What is it?” Will noticed her grim expression.

“Oh well… here I have forgotten the real reason I needed to talk to you. I had a vision when I came in to see you and Corrine tonight, this vision…” She took a deep breath, dreading having to speak of it. “I feel Corrine is going to be in grave danger very shortly.”

“What from me?” gasped Will. “I would never harm her. I would sooner kill myself than hurt a hair on her head.” Will blinked hard in shock Gran would turn on him so quickly.

“No William, not harm from you. I cannot see whom yet, but someone wants to hurt her very badly. I feel it and tonight it hit me hard that the danger is growing closer.” She rubbed her eyes, exhausted and clearly upset.

“I will not let anyone or anything hurt Corrine. You have my word on that, Gran. I would lay down my life for hers.” Will got up and put a hand onto her shoulder. He knelt down at eye level to her. “I will guard her. I promise you and as soon as you have a clearer vision, call me anytime day or night, together we will keep her safe.” Will found a pen on her table and wrote his cell phone

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