Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,37

looked under a hat and found a prescription bottle of high dose pain pills.

Will snatched it up reading the date on the label. The order was from the time of her accident by the river. She was not supposed to still be taking these. This made him drop down on the bed. He sat there staring at the bottle. She was in pain and hurting and was not telling anyone about it, or she was addicted to them.

The dose level was why she was sleeping so much; it couldn’t be safe to take this long term. He hoped she hadn’t become addicted to them, as he had heard about. The first thing he would do when he got home was talk to Doc. This was serious and he had to take care of her. He loved her too much to let her hurt herself. He couldn’t ignore what he had found.

Chapter 15

“Back to Corrine’s point of view”

Many Questions

I never did know what William and Gran talked about a few nights ago. He only told me she had some questions for him. I figured that if it had been something serious, he would have told me all about it. It was stuffy in the house so I decided to sit outside on the front porch swing and read. The wind still had a bite to it but it was nearing the end of winter now and spring would soon be here. I wanted some fresh air.

I pulled up the throw blanket around me as I settled in to read in peace for a bit. I caught myself. My mind was wandering, thinking of summer picnics with Will and moonlit strolls, anything involving him. I noticed headlights at the end of our very long driveway. I thought it was Will’s Mercedes, but it was not. I squinted, trying to see who was parked there but I couldn’t see. This made me feel uneasy. I was alone in the house and edgy anyway about that. Our security had been lessened since dad was sure Todd wouldn’t break his house arrest again.

William was coming over. He said he had a few things to do first and we were going to study until Gran got home. Sara was out, shopping or socializing and dad was at work as usual. I had noticed Will rarely ever left me alone anymore, and his cousins were always around too.

They all seemed to be looking for something. I was used to Roth. He and Will were best friends, so he was with him when I wasn’t. I sighed, going up to my room and locking the door. I clutched my cell phone, ready to call Will if that car didn’t leave soon. I peeked out the window, and I saw it backing out of the drive and leaving. I took a deep breath in relief.

I decided listen to some music so I found my IPod and turned up the music to calm my nerves. I was zoning out in my own world, trying to ignore another headache I felt creeping up on me. I had been lucky. I was on my third day without one. I was hoping they were over now. I glared at the pain medication bottle on my nightstand, praying I didn’t need to use it again tonight.

The doorbell jerked me out of my intense thoughts. I clicked off the music and cautiously peeked out the window. I saw no cars. It had to be Sam, our stable manager, or one of the stable hands. I pulled on my sweater over my t-shirt deciding to go answer it. I had no choice. I was all alone. I got halfway down the stairs and realized I forgot my cell phone. The visitor rang again several times so I decided against going back to get it.

Chapter 16

Home Alone

The entryway was dark. I went to turn on the lights above me but it wouldn’t come on. I grumbled, making my way to the door. I tried to see my guest before I opened it, but the outside lights, which were always on for security reasons, were also off. I decided to ask who it was just to be safe.

“Who’s there?” I said loudly since the front door was a thick heavy oak monster from the turn of the century.

“Dan, one of the stable hands. Sam sent me up. There is a problem with Windy. He needs you to come down.” I couldn’t recall anyone named Dan working for us,

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