Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,181

again in two days. That was the only thing Doc got him to agree to do. The breakdown of each coven was that they all contained a head elder and a group of elders, they as a unit decided the rules for the coven. Doc demanded Leo bring the elder group with him to the next meeting. Doc felt he might have a chance to come to some agreement with the elder group there and not just Leo.

The waiting began once again for the next meeting. It was mid January now and a cold rain fell and made everything seem even more depressing that it already was. A somber mood fell over the house as we all waited for the next meeting. I think we all knew, if this meeting failed it could be the beginning of a war between the two covens.

If this happened some of us might not survive, and it was possible none of us would make it. I tried not to think of that, but it was hard not to. Leo was insane and so was his coven and that made it even more dangerous for us. The nightmare was continuing.

Will was getting better finally, and that was the only positive thing going on in the house. He was still sleeping, but he was not running a fever anymore and his heart rate was back to normal. Doc and Pratt felt he was in a kind of protective sleep as his body protected itself as he healed. All I knew is I missed my best friend and my soul mate.

It was late now the night before the big meeting. The coven was quiet. Doc and Pratt had been huddled up in his study with the rest of the elders meeting about tomorrow. The house was full, as we, all were instructed to stay indoors, but everyone was keeping to themselves. I was lonely so I tip toed into Will’s room.

Lydia was down stairs talking to Emma and some of the other coven women. I never bothered her while she sat with William. It was near two in the morning now and his room was dark except for the small lamp left on by his bedside. I nearly tripped over my own feet when I saw him sitting up rubbing his eyes.

“My God William you’re awake!” I squealed. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him.

“What?” He jumped. “And you’ve changed!” He gasped as I hugged him. “Remember you’re stronger now.” He smiled weakly as he laughed as I squeezed him.

“Oh I’m so sorry, it’s just I've missed you so much. I woke up about a week ago and was fully changed, well at least to a half blood.” I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

“I can tell.” He smiled. “You look amazing and so healthy! I knew you could do it. I was afraid Doc and Pratt’s idea might not work.”

“It did, but you hid the fact you were sick from me and everyone. Doc and Pratt were not too happy you did that, and neither was I.” I pointed a finger at him, but was smiling too.

“Oh am I in trouble then?” He winked at me and gave me a devilish grin. “What’s my punishment if I may ask?” I knew he was feeling much better, by how he was being his old playful self. It was so good to see him acting as he use to.

“I’m locking you up and never letting you leave my side again.” I put my hands on my hips and stared at him.

“Ok sounds good to me; lock me up as long as you’re with me.” I leaned over and kissed him, and my head spun as usual. I had missed the feel of his lips so much, and it was amazing to touch them again.

“Ok… ok then, so how do you feel?” I sat on the bed next to him.

“My chest is sore as hell. What did Doc and Pratt do shock me or something, with those paddle things?”

“No” I laughed, “You had pneumonia really bad, you were barely breathing and had a crazy fever of 104 for about a week.”

“Crap!” He whispered as he rubbed his neck, shocked my words. “I knew I was sick, but I swiped some of Doc’s antibiotics and was taking them. I was hoping they would work and this all wouldn’t have happened.”

“Well it’s been pretty bad. Your mom’s been glued to your bedside since you passed out. Andrew has to

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