Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,182

drag her away to eat and sleep. She spent hours in here holding your hand, hoping you would wake up.”

“Now I really feel like bad.” He sighed. “I just didn’t want you all to worry about me. I knew we had all this with the Dark coven going on, and Doc and Pratt were trying to get you better.” He looked down at his hands sadly.

“It’s ok Will, we both made it. It will all be ok, you will get stronger each day, and we will be fine.

“Oh I’m good.” He said as he slid down off the bed, his feet hitting the floor. He took three steps and grabbed onto the chair by his bed to keep himself from falling.

“Crap” he fumed. “I’m so weak, this sucks big time.” He slid carefully into the chair, his cheeks were red.

“The fever zapped you, Doc said it would. You will get your strength back soon.” Sayann announced as she stood in the open door way smiling. “You two are loud you know. Oh and welcome back William, glad to see you decided to join us.” She smirked.

“Uh thanks.” Will sighed as he flopped back in the chair still annoyed by his weakness.

“I will call Doc and Pratt; now that you’re awake they will want to see you.”

“Ok sure.” Will rolled his eyes.

“No walking ok? You will have to get your strength built back up before you do that.” Sayann warned.

“Yes boss, don’t worry, I won’t try that again soon.” Will smiled.

Doc and Pratt came up and were thrilled to see Will was awake. They pronounced that Will was well on his way to a full recovery. It would just take time for him to get back to his old self. They didn’t stay long as it was nearing three in the morning. It seemed many of the vampires in the house slept their customary two to three hours at that time.

The ice was thawing on the grounds of the house, but now a cold rain was falling causing flooding. The rain pounded the old roof as Will and I sat there and watched television. We both just wanted to forget the past few weeks and relax.

“I love this movie, it ends badly though. I would love to see the Grand Canyon someday.” I said resting my head on his shoulder, as we watched and old western movie. The satellite was out due to the storm, and it’s all we could find.

“Uh did you forget what you are my love? Did you forget what you drank along with your supper tonight?” He teased.

“Oh?” I giggled. “But we can’t go out in the sun for long. I’ve seen you all do it!” I argued. “That’s why humans never suspect you are vampires.”

“Yes we can go out in the sun, but if we go out in full sun to long we get very sick.” He said in a matter of fact voice.

“Oh well we could just drive by get out look at it and leave?” Will kissed my cheek laughing.

“Yes, we can do that or whatever you like.” I leaned in closer as he put his lips to mine. His kisses intoxicated me, my head would spin sometimes. I laid my head onto Will’s chest and listened to his steady slow heartbeats.

“I worried this day would never come.” I whispered. I was so afraid one of us or both wouldn’t make it through this.”

“So did I, while I was asleep for apparently forever. I thought about you all the time.” He pulled me closer. “I could not think of life without you. You have shown me how to love and what it feels like to be loved. I would do all of this, everything single thing again just to be with you as I am right now.”

“So would I William.” I smiled looking up into his beautiful blue eyes. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep as Thelma and Louise drove their Cadillac off into the Grand Canyon.

I awoke a short time later, the TV was still on, and Will was in a deep sleep. I looked around the room and thought about all the history in this massive house. It was built in the 1820’s and was listed on the historic homes registry. I had got to see the whole house thanks to Roth and Taylor showing me around the previous week.

The house had twenty bedrooms; each wing of the house had five or six. Doc had a full medical lab

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