Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,180

he was not ok. I was happy Sayann stayed with me, she sat down and began to look through a fashion magazine.

“How bad is his fever?” I asked, almost not wanting her to answer me.

“104 last night, it’s been going between 102 and 104 all week, it’s really weird. Doc and Pratt have been trying to control it but it’s not working.”

“My God that’s high!” I gasped in shock.

“Yes it is, especially for a half blood it’s really bad. I haven’t ever seen any vampire’s half blood or not run a fever like that.” I wished she hadn’t said that, as I buried myself in the heavy blankets of my bed. The wind was howling outside my window, and I suddenly felt a chill run through me.

“I just hope Doc and Pratt can get him better, he looks so pale.”

“They will Corrine, don’t worry. Doc and Pratt are the best; they will do whatever they have to do for him.”

I knew she was right but it was hard to have faith in much of anything anymore. I would just have to try to believe they would save him, and the Dark coven wouldn’t come after us before he got better. I decided to try to sleep if it was even possible. I knew I no longer needed a lot of sleep as an official half blood, but I wanted to escape the horrible thoughts I was having.

Sayann would not leave me as Doc had told me earlier. Will and I would be in the company of a full-blooded vamp at all times for our safety. If Leo sent one of his drones to get us, we would have some protection at least. I wondered where the rest of the coven was and what they were doing down stairs, as I laid there in silence.

The next few days were stressful at the coven house to put it mildly. Doc and Pratt worked tirelessly to get William fully recovered. His fever broke two days after I myself woke up. The only problem was that he was still in a deep sleep. We all worried his lungs were permanently damaged despite all the medication he had been given. Lydia stayed by Williams’s side almost nonstop. I could see she was worried as she was not as talkative as when we first got to the coven house.

Chapter 42

The Unknown

Leo’s meeting with Doc was a disaster as we all expected it to be and it lasted only a half an hour. Doc had gone to meet Leo only taking Roth and Taylor with him; they were Will’s two biggest cousins. Pratt wanted to go, but felt an elder needed to be here at the house to watch over the rest of the coven.

The meeting was in a secluded area of the back woods not far from the house. The woods and all around it were still frozen from the ice storm. Leo refused all of Doc’s suggestions to find some peace between the two covens. Doc told us about the wild look in Leo’s eyes and how disturbed by it he was. It was impossible to talk to him Doc said, he was not willing to talk about anything. Leo demanded that Doc hand over William and me to him and the Dark coven.

Leo told him that William and I being in a relationship was detestable and could not be allowed to go on. He was going to use us as examples to other vampires. He said that humans and vamps did not belong together and would not be allowed to share lives. Leo also wanted to even the score with the followers for killing two of his own, by taking us.

Roth told us at the meeting Leo brought one vampire with him. This one wore a cloak with a hood and Roth swore when he turned to leave he saw Todd Downs face. I nearly threw up when he said this. Todd was dead he had to be dead. Roth said he could have been wrong, but he had a gut feeling that was Todd under that hood.

Riley was quick to remind us all that Todd’s body was left in the woods that night Will found me. Roth was sure he got enough dead blood in Todd’s body to kill him. He did say though with Will freaking out he never checked him to be sure he was really gone.

Doc was to meet with Leo and the rest of the Dark coven elders once

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