Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,179

they, after attacking us, will randomly kill innocent humans in the area we are in.” He took a deep breath; I could see the worry in his eyes.

“It will naturally set of suspicion about us, and possibly expose us to humans. It could mean a major disaster for all of our kind. It would be like the Salem witch hunts, the country would be hunting anyone they even remotely thought was a vampire and kill them.” Doc looked at Pratt to carry on.

“Yes, Doc is right such a thing is very possible. We must all be on alert for anything unusual. Leo may not wait for his meeting with Doc to strike out at us. I do not trust his word to Doc that he will wait till the meeting and leave us alone till then.” Pratt’s eyes were like Doc’s now very dark and upset.

“Corrine, you and William must be extremely careful as you are targets for the Dark coven, unfortunately.” Doc added as he shifted uneasily. I could tell he had more on his mind. “What worries me right now is William’s condition. He is weak still and helpless. If the Dark coven attacks, he will be un able to defend himself. It is important he never be left alone, until he has recovered.”

“I agree fully.” Pratt nodded. I knew they saw how un easy I was.

“Sayann will take you to see William now. I can see you are anxious to see him Corrine.” Doc said as he got up and headed for the door as Pratt followed him.

I followed Sayann down the long hallway to William’s room. It was only a few rooms down from my own. I felt my stomach turn, fearing he might look sick or somehow not be the same. Sayann opened the door quietly. Lydia was sitting next to William’s bed reading as we entered and gave a small wave hello.

His room was, much like mine except no floral wallpaper and only one tiny window. The window was shuttered closed and had a lock on it. I knew why his window was like that; his room had to be secure open windows were not an option now. Will’s room was also next to Doc’s and across the hall from Roth’s, so they could watch over him.

Sayann stepped aside so I could go in alone.“I’ll be waiting out in the hall; you and William need some privacy. Let me know if you need anything or if William does.” I gave her a weak smile, and looked nervously at the darkened room.

“Ok, thanks.” I walked toward the massive ancient four-poster bed. Bookcases lined the walls and I saw tons of very old black and white pictures in them mixed with tons of books.

The nightstand was full of bottles and medical supplies. I stood there quietly watching him sleep. The steady beat of the heart monitor was the only sound; it was reading 44 beats per minute. I barely breathed as I watched him sleeping peacefully. His thick black hair was tousled and his eyelashes fanned out onto his pale cheeks. The tone of his skin was unusually pale. I could see that even in the dim light in the room. The lips that has kissed me so lovingly merely days ago were now parted.

His breathing was labored. Doc and Pratt had an airline attached to his nose, so I guessed he was really having trouble breathing. I covered my mouth quickly as I started to cry. It was nearly too much to see my strong gallant William so weak and vulnerable. He had been there to rescue me, and support me so many times and I felt helpless just watching him.

I prayed the blood I had given him would have just snapped him back to his old self, but it seemed he still had a long way to go. I wanted to hug him or touch him and let him know I was here but I was too afraid, so I sat down quietly. I gently put my hand over his, and was shocked to see how hot his skin was. He had to have a fever no doubt, he was on fire.

I sat for two hours watching him until Sayann came and told me Doc and Pratt needed to see him. I reluctantly followed Sayann back to my room, the visions of my William so weak and ill burned into my mind. I knew I wouldn’t be able to rest or do anything knowing

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