Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,178

what I’m getting into, and I have no problems with it.” I joked giving Sayann a wink.

“Very good, but remember if you have any questions just ask any of us and we can help you.” I nodded, but my mind was consumed with William. I needed to see him with my own eyes. That’s the only thing that would put my mind at ease.

“Didn’t the blood I gave him help at all?” I asked. Pratt walked over and sat next to me on the couch.

“Yes, it did just as we hoped it would Corrine. The human virus, pneumonia is what’s causing the delay in his recovery. You must remember as half bloods you and Will are both susceptible to human illnesses. In normal cases, that virus wouldn’t hit even a half blood as hard as it did William, but he was worn down on top of that. The fact his system was weakened made him get sick very quickly.”

“What about the Dark coven and Leo? Are we even safe here?” I had a million questions running through my head and I had to know what was going on. If it had been a full week that I had been “out” a lot could change and probably not for the good.

“No” Doc said in a quick sharp tone. “None of us are safe here or any place for that matter. Leo seems to be in a rage. I am to meet with him in two weeks to discuss if we can arrange some kind of treaty. This needs to end as soon as possible.” Doc sighed and looked at Pratt who sat down in the armchair next to the fireplace.

“Leo for some reason has become obsessed with getting William back with him in the Dark coven. I have spoken with him very briefly over the past few days and he is hell bent to get Will back.” He paused and took a deep breath.

“It worries me even more with his view regarding you. He said he feels you should be destroyed for getting involved with William; he thinks you have broken some rule he has about humans and vampires not being together. I can’t begin to think what insane rule that is.” Doc frowned.

The room was silent for a long time. I was getting scared now, more so than I was five minutes ago. Leo the headcheese of the most hated evil coven of vamps wanted me dead and the love of my life back in his coven. I couldn’t think of anything worse. It felt like I was in a nightmare, but sadly I was wide-awake.

“What do we do now?” I asked softly, not to anyone in particular. I just said it aloud hoping one of them had a plan or some idea of what we would do.

“We are bracing for some form of attack by the Dark coven.” Doc said he sighed deeply and rubbed the back of his neck.

“I haven’t much faith in this meeting we have planned. Leo is power hungry and insane, two very lethal combinations for a vampire to have. The Dark coven worships him and will do exactly what he tells them to do.” Doc finished speaking and looked very tired. I couldn’t imagine how much stress he had been under since this all began and I could see it in his face.

Chapter 41


Pratt too looked on edge. He and his coven in France could become victims of the Dark coven went on an attack. Leo would hunt down Pratt’s coven and kill them all if he decided he thought they needed to die. I had never seen Doc look so nervous, he was always calm and pulled together. His own brother was the source of his fear, anger and a massive threat to his coven.

“We’ve decided to leave for France if the meeting between Doc and Leo goes badly. It may be the safest thing for the coven to do so. My home is secluded and secure, even if Leo does come after us he will have a difficult time reaching us there.” I was in shock. I never imagined the coven leaving the country.

“It seems to be our only option. If we try to fight them, we will be lowering ourselves to their level. We are not killers; we live in peace as much as possible. If we start a war here with the Dark coven, it may set off a type of frenzy amongst the Dark coven. It is highly possible

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