Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,177

when I changed. Pratt said Will’s just about doing the phasing thing again. I think he said the dead blood that Vincent gave him, set him back. They were saying he has to nearly phase all over again to recover, it’s complicated.” She frowned.

“Doc and Pratt can tell you all the details. I forget stuff all the time.” I looked at the clock and hoped they would at least let me see him tonight any way. I shivered as I felt a cold draft suddenly.

“I felt hot tears welling up in my eyes, thinking of the pain Will must be in, and how sick he was right now.”

“You’ll need a robe, the house is freezing. The power went out a few hours ago and they are having trouble with the generators.” She got up and pulled a think red robe out of the closet for me to wear. “You can’t get a chill, you might get sick, you are a half blood remember, you can still get ill.”

“Yes I remember that.” I smiled, as I pulled on the furry warm robe. I walked over to the window again, and looked at the frozen trees visible now only in the dim security lights.

“It’s as bad as it looks; everything’s frozen the roads the power lines. We are all stuck here, couldn’t leave if we wanted to, most of the roads are closed.” I could see her studying me as I sat there listening to her. “Corrine are you ok?” I forced a smile and nodded, fighting off the tears.

“Sure I’m ok. I’m just so worried about Will that’s all. I should have seen this coming. I should have known he was sick.”

“You couldn’t have known. Doc said he must have been hiding it for a long time. They think the deal in the woods just drained him; the cold gave him pneumonia as well. He told Doc he was trying to medicate himself so he wouldn’t worry any of us.” I sighed that was just like Will, to try to protect me from worrying about him.

“That sounds like him, never wanting to bother anyone with things that concern him.”

“Corrine don’t beat yourself up, Doc and Pratt feel to blame. Doc has been beside himself all week, so upset he didn’t see Will was sick. You were trying to recover yourself; you couldn’t have known how ill he was.” She patted my hand and smiled reassuringly at me.

“I know, but I was the one with him all the time. I just feel I should have seen him acting weird or sensed something was going on with him.” I got up, walked over to the bed, and sat back down. “Can I see him?”

“I’m sure you can, let me call Doc and ask him if I can bring you upstairs.” Sayann flipped open her cell phone and asked Doc to come to my room and see me now that I was awake.”

The door swung open minutes later, and a very tired Doc and Pratt walked in to my room.

“Corrine, you’re awake and you look wonderful.” Doc smiled.

“Yes look at you, I can tell you have made the complete change.” Pratt smiled. “This is exceptional!”

“How do you feel?” Doc asked as he pulled out his stethoscope and Pratt got out his blood pressure cuff.

“I feel great it’s really amazing.” I smiled at them all. They all were staring at me as if I was a miracle on two feet or something. “How’s William though? Sayann said he was really sick right now.” I saw Pratt and Doc exchange worried glances.

“Yes Corrine, she is correct William is very ill right now unfortunately. Pratt and I are doing all we can to get him better as soon as possible.” Doc went on to check my vital signs and the typical things.

“She said he had pneumonia, can he get over that?” I sat back in the love seat. Sayann handed me a blanket seeing me shiver. The old house was very cold, due to the freakish ice storm still going on outside.

“Yes, with time we feel he will recover fully, he just need time.” Doc began to put away his medical things he folded up his black bag slowly.

“You’ve successfully fazed Corrine. You are now an official half blood, are you ready for all the changes?” I forced a fake smile, wondering why he was asking me this now. It was too late even if I was having second thoughts, which I wasn’t.

“Sure I think I know

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