Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,151

William, he was here, and he was with Doc.

“William.” I managed to whisper.

“Todd is dead, you are safe Corrine. Doc and Pratt are here you are in no danger ok?” He desperately tried to calm me down.

“What?” I took a deep breath, and this time it no longer burned my lungs.

“Will is right Corrine, you are safe now.” Doc’s voice said calmly.

“Corrine, it’s Pratt, can you try and open your eyes for me honey?” I pulled my arms in now to my chest, as they were let free.

I turned slightly and felt William’s arms around me. I leaned into his firm chest. It felt like I was melting into him. I tried to open my eyes all the way, but the light burned them. I turned my head into Williams arm, away from it.

“No I can’t it burns, too much.” I cried out clutching William’s arm.

“Sayann dim the lights please. I had forgotten she might be highly sensitive to them for a few days now.” Pratt ordered.

I turned my head slowly away from Will, and carefully opened my eyes. I could see Pratt, and Sayann standing next to Doc and Libby. I looked up despite my neck feeling like a stiff board, directly in to William’s stunning blue eyes. I did not move as our eyes took each other in. I had feared I would never see him again, and now he was right in from of me. A smile spread across his face.

“You’re all here, all of you?” I whispered. “William, you are here.” I sighed with relief.

“Yes, my love. I have not left you since I found you in the woods.”

“Is this real? Am I alive or are you all in my head?” I blinked hard thinking they all would just diaper when I opened my eyes again. I was terrified this was just a dream, and I would be thrown back into my “tomb” again.

“It’s real Corrine, relax we are all really here. You were in a coma, a very deep nearly death like coma for a few days. The venom from Todd’s bite attacked your body system.” Pratt shook his head.

“Fortunately you had enough of the serum in you to safe guard your heart from stopping. Doc and I just gave you an injection into the heart muscle to wake you, but all will be well now.” Pratt thoroughly explained.

“Venom?” I shook my head, and then I felt the sting in my neck and it all came flooding back into my mind. I slowly placed my hand on my bandaged neck, and I knew it was really true. Todd had become a vampire and he had bit me.

“I’m so sorry I couldn’t stop him Corrine.” Will said softly.

I felt sort of dizzy at the thought of Todd as a vampire, but now I remembered the night at my house when he and Kyle kid napped me. I remembered being at the stone house and meeting Leo, and how Sayann helped me escape. I remembered the look in Todd’s eyes right before he bit me also, that I could never forget as long as I lived. I must have been about to hyperventilate as the heart monitor started to go crazy.

“Corrine, calm down now you must not get upset ok.” Pratt warned as he placed a hand on to my arm.

“Sorry, I just had like a massive flash back; it’s kind of a lot to take in all at once.” I sighed leaning back in to William again. I made myself take a deep breath and try to pull myself together.

“I need you to rest now, and we will talk more about all this later. You are in no danger, so try to relax.” Doc smiled at me and gave William a wink.

“If you need anything let me or Libby know we are your nurses now. We will be in the next room ok?” Sayann smiled at me.

“I never got to really thank you for, saving me from Leo and the Dark coven.” I smiled back at her, truly grateful for her kindness.

“No need to thank me Corrine. I wanted to thank you. I would never have been brave enough to leave on my own. I saw how desperately you wanted to be with William again and how much you loved him. It gave me the drive to get you out of there. You are the reason I am now with the coven I should always have been with. I had heard of the Followers and how

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