Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,150


“We can’t give her any sedatives?” Doc asked.

“No we can give her nothing; it will tamper with her system. Xavier was very clear about that. It is natural of course to think of her comfort, but we cannot do that right now.”

“I understand.” Doc moved to the other side of me as he spoke. I was getting really good at figuring out where everyone was by the direction of their voices now. All of them surrounded me, and I was terrified.

“Sayann, Libby I need you to hold down her legs. Doc William and I will hold her down up here. I will need you all to make sure she does not move an inch when I am injecting the serum into her heart, it is critical. I cannot have any movement at all or it will be a disaster.”

“Yes, we can do that.” Sayann answered. I could feel her hand on my leg now. I knew it was almost time for Pratt to get the needle ready. I waited as they all pre pared to hold me down, and protect me from myself apparently.

“Now, let’s begin everyone.” I felt Pratt’s cool hands clean the area on my chest for the injection.

I wanted to tense up, but nothing happened. I thought about it, and I kept forgetting I couldn’t move. The room was silent as Pratt slowly put the long needle in to my chest. I could feel pressure from it but it thankfully, it did not hurt. I waited as he slowly removed it, nothing seemed to be happening.

I thought it would be instant, that I would be able to open my eyes and speak, but I felt no different. I waited for Pratt or Doc to say something, but they were silent. I didn’t know if they were shocked, it did not work or were just waiting for the serum to do something to me.

Chapter 33


I suddenly felt a wave of heat across my body. It felt like boiling water in my veins, spreading slowly through me. It was a searing UN bearable heat. I needed to breathe. I wanted to cry out in pain, but could not get any air into my lungs to do so.

I wanted to scream in agony, and tell them all how much it hurt and to try to make it stop. In a split second, I felt a jolt in my chest, as if I was hit with a baseball bat. I was pretty sure I did gasp in pain this time. I jerked back trying desperately to move away from the pain inside me.

I threw my head back and took a deep breath, the air burned as it filled my lungs. I tried to pull my arms free from Doc and Pratt, to wrap around my aching chest, that felt like it might split open at any moment. I started to choke and cough. The air was burning too much, now I did not want to breathe, I just wanted to die.

I felt my head spinning as I tried to open my eyes; everyone was a blurb of mixed colors and shadows. I felt afraid; I suddenly couldn’t remember where I was anymore. I tried hard to remember, but then I knew. I was in the woods, Todd had seen me and he was about to attack me.

I had to run and get away from here. I could smell the cologne her wore, he was holding me down and wouldn’t let go. I pulled as hard as I could begging for him to let me go. I heard myself scream out for William, but he was not there. I thrashed my head back and forth; the pain the fear, all of it was too much.

I could not break free from Todd’s grip; he seemed to be holding my whole body down. I knew he was going to kill me now. I felt tired. I had nothing left in me to fight him off with. I panted trying to catch my breath, my body was still being held down, but I didn’t care anymore. Familiar voices filled my ears, as I tried to understand them, not one of them sounded like Todd.

“Corrine, easy now its Doc you’re ok. Try to keep breathing for us please.” I knew that voice, Doc it was Doc. I had to think hard, Doc was good. If he was here, William must be too.

“I’m here.” The voice I was so desperate to hear came next. It was my

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