Ever After - By Heather McBride Page 0,152

they honored human life but I never knew how to find them. I will always be thankful to you forever.”

“And I you Sayann, we saved each other.” I waved her in for a hug. She carefully wrapped her arms around me as if I were made of porcelain.

“I’m so happy you are going to be ok.” She said to me as she and Libby left the room. I watched Doc and Pratt now, bent over my charts, in a deep discussion about my treatment no doubt.

“What happened to Leo and Todd?” I asked Will as he sat on the edge of my bed, and held me in his arms lovingly.

“You need to rest love, don’t worry about all that now.” He rubbed my arm softly.

“No really. I will feel better if I know, please tell me.”

“Well. Ok then, if you must know. Todd is dead; Roth forced him to drink a vial of dead blood in the woods after he attacked you.” I was shocked, was I finally rid of that varmint after all the hell he put me through?

“Really, he’s gone?” I said in shock.

“Yes, he was working with Leo, he was to kill you and bring me back to Leo and the Dark coven. If he succeeded, he would be Leo’s right hand man or something like that. I was shocked they wanted an idiot like that in their coven really.” Will laughed and so did I, Todd had always been moron.

“I still can’t believe he was a vampire!”

“That makes two of us. It all made sense though; we never could track him down all those months after he last attacked you in your room. It was all because we were looking for a human, not a vampire and he was turned not very long after he ran off.”


“Doc’s dealing with him; he won’t ever come out where we can get at him. Doc told us he always has his vampires do his dirty work for him. He directs them, but never really gets his hands dirty. The house here is on lock down, so if he sends any of his grunts to try to get us, they won’t have a chance.”

I snuggled in closer to William, trying to block out the fact Leo was still out there, but glad to know Todd was finally gone for good. I would not have to worry about him trying to kill me anymore. Doc and Pratt finished their conversation, and walked back over to my bedside. I was starting to feel tired and hoped they might let me sleep a little bit soon.

“Pratt and I have brain stormed and we feel we know how to handle your recovery Corrine.”

“Yes, we both feel we have the best way to handle this. My good friend Xavier is coming tomorrow and he also will advise us further as he his very educated on changing issues. The course of action is to begin the serum treatments again. I ran a blood panel earlier, and your cancer seems to be re surfacing. The serum will once again set it back to remission, and we can continue with the process to change you to a half blood.” Pratt folded up my chart thoughtfully as he looked at me.

“I feel we can safely see you through the change Corrine, and all will be well.”

“Yes, and with Pratt’s friend coming, we will have even more help to make sure things go the right way.” Doc added. I wanted to jump up and hug them both. I would not have a chance in hell if those two were not here.

“You are certain all of this will work then? It’s not just educated guessing or anything like that is it?” Will’s ever present worrying jumped in. I couldn’t blame him after all the problems I had, he had a right to be cautious.

“Yes, William Doc and I are very confident this process will see Corrine safely to compete her changing process.”

“Then we will do it!” I added smiling. I was ready for some god news now. I was over depressing stuff. Doc seemed edgy as he cleared his throat, to let us know he needed to say something.

“We do have one more thing to discuss quickly, as I want Corrine to get some rest. I feel though we should speak about it briefly right now.

“What’s that?” Will asked, seeming somewhat annoyed. I think he was like me; we just wanted some peace for now, no more drama.

“Corrine’s father, he has

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